Can I Still Have A Normal Dinner With My Family On The Medifast Diet?

I sometimes hear from people who are considering Medifast, but who want to do sort of a hybrid plan where they aren't exactly on the plan full time or as it is written. I heard from someone who asked: "I look forward to a family dinner all day long. My kids are school aged. It's very important that we all sit down together as a family and talk about our day. I wouldn't trade this for anything. But I do need to lose weight. Would it be possible to eat the five prepackaged Medifast meals during the day and then just eat a regular family dinner at night? Would I still lose weight if I did this?"
Before I try to answer this question based on what is only my opinion, I'd encourage you to direct any question straight to the company itself. With that said, I'll try to answer this question as best as I can in the following article.

Consider Eating Your Lean And Green Meal When Your Family Has A Regular Dinner: I completely understood the concerns that this woman had. I had the exact same concerns. But I learned pretty quickly that it was easy to make a lean and green meal out of what my family was already eating. You probably already know this, but in addition to your five diet meals, you're supposed to have a larger meal that you provide. It's called the lean and green meal and it's only real requirements are that it have lean protein and three servings of vegetables.

Yes, my family consumes more vegetables as the result of this, but this makes me very happy. It hasn't hurt any of us. So before this woman just gave up on the idea of staying on the diet as it's designed, I suggested that she consider just trying to have the lean and green at her family's dinner time. You can still have those important conversations and that bonding time even if your plate doesn't consist of exactly the same items as the rest of your family. Keep in mind that since the prepackaged meals are so low in calories, you generally have around 600 calories left for your main meal. This allows you to have a pretty decent sized plate so that you shouldn't feel like things are much different from how they have always been.

Now, I do realize that some people will worry that they will cheat or overeat if people
 around them aren't dieting. This is a valid concern for many. The other option is to eat your lean and green meal for breakfast or lunch and to eat one of the prepackaged meals for dinner if you feel that you might cheat otherwise.

Finally, I do know some who have still had some success on the type of situation that this woman described.
Frankly, because you are eating diet meals for the rest of the day, you will still be taking in far fewer calories and carbs even if you are eating a regular dinner. (Keep in mind though that by skipping your lean and green meal, you aren't learning how to make healthful and safe meals on your own, which is where this meal is so helpful.) With that said, it's very common that when the pounds start coming off, you begin eating healthfully on your own because you don't want to do anything to jeopardize the results that you're seeing.

So to answer the question posed, no one is going to stop you from a hybrid type of plan. And although I can't say for sure, I'd suspect that you would still lose weight because you'd be taking in fewer calories than is what is typical of you, but of course this is just a guess. I'd still suggest trying to have your lean and green at dinner and seeing if you could make that work. Because countless people do this and it only requires for you to make minimal changes to still enjoy dinner with your family.

If you'd like more information on making this diet fit in with your lifestyle, check out the free ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast,". To get a free copy (with immediate download and no information required),  click here  or visit
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