How To Lose 4 Pounds a Week The Easy Way

Sleep- Sleeping for at least eight hours per night allows our bodies to recover from the hard days that we put them through. A full eight hours can burn up to 800 calories, so make sure you catch a whole lot of Zs and you'll lose weight in the process!

Stand- Now don't go crazy and sleep standing, but if you stand when you have the option to, you can burn up to 100 calories in an hour! Instead of sitting on the bus ride home, let someone else take your seat and stand.
Plus, it'll help you shed some pounds every week!
Eat- Now this may sound counterintuitive, but you can actually lose weight by maintaining a balanced diet. If you only eat once per day, your body will store energy because it thinks it's starving. So, make sure you graze on small, healthy meals throughout the day in order to help your body lose weight!

Water- Make sure your body stays hydrated in order to shed some fat. It'll help your body eliminate toxins and keep your complexion in good shape! This could save you up to 700 calories per week when you add up all the savings! Try substituting sugary drinks for it!
Walk- You can burn up to 75 calories per mile of walking. Try using the stairs, parking your car further than you normally do, and actually take your dog on a walk for once! You'll start to see that weight melt off in no time!

Indulge... in fat fighting foods- Honey, dark chocolate, eggs, and shrimp all contain chemicals that literally melt the fat right off of our bodies. Plus, they're low-calorie themselves! Just make some simple substitutions in your favorite recipes to secretly attack the fat!

Get Blue- The color blue is a proven appetite suppressant. Wear blue, serve food on blue, heck, even paint your kitchen blue! Just make sure that everything you do revolving food has some of the color blue to it! You'll find that this will help you on your goal to lose 4 pounds a week!

Workout- Get off your butt and hit the gym. One of the best ways to lose weight is to burn some calories fast and turn it into muscle. If you want to lose 4 pounds a week this method can be the best way to do it along with a healthy diet you can bet you will start to shred down fast. You will not only look better but feel better as well. So make a plan this year to get to the gym and actually work out. You will feel better when you do and thank me for it later.

Thanks for reading about ways to lose 4 pounds a week.
An avid fitness and wellness writer for various websites. A lot of people ask me how to Lose 4 Pounds a Week, so I decided to write this article to help some people out. For more articles like this go to
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