Getting Through That Last Rep of Your Exercise - The Big Why For Losing Weight

As you know, I have been passionate about fitness from a very young age; working out since the tender age of 8 years old. In my experience, I have come across the dreaded last repetition of an exercise many times. I can tell you flat out that it takes more than muscle power to complete the last rep. Often times, when approaching the last rep, the muscle fibres of the body part being worked is considerably fatigued thus the weight being lifted all of a sudden feels multiplied by 10 and extremely difficult to life at that point.

The only thing that will get you through this seemingly impossible last repetition is determination. You need to be mentally strong. So how do you build this mental strength? Well, the easiest way to do this will be to have a BIG WHY! Ask yourself this very important question, why do you want to work out? I'm sure there are many reasons why someone will want to work out, but you must get to the core reason. Your job is to discover your BIG WHY for working out. You will not find it by mentally answering this question. It is vitally important that you invest some time into this exercise.
Sit down with a pen and paper and come up with a list of 100 reasons why you want to exercise. Don't worry about it too much if you are unable to come up with 100 in one day. Give yourself a few days if that's what it takes but try not to drag out this exercise for a month because procrastination will set in and you will most likely not complete the exercise. Once you've come up with your list, go through them one by one, carefully analyzing each one and narrow down your list to 5. Now this is where it gets a bit challenging. Write down the 5 biggest reasons WHY you want to work out on a card and carry it with you everywhere you go for 1 week. Read it as often as you can during the day and after a week your task is to narrow the 5 to 1 BIG WHY you want to work out. This is where you must throw out all logic and go solely with emotion. Go through your list of 5 and see which one is most emotionally impacting for you. This is your BIG WHY.
Now once you've discovered what the reason is. (It will be different for everyone.) For example, once you've discovered that you want to work out because you want to live a long and productive life well past 100 years old. Create a mental image of it. See yourself well past the age of 100 and playing with your great great great grandchildren, sailing, playing a round of golf and overall having a very youthful appearance. You need to then take 5-10 minutes, at least 3 times a day and run this image in your head. This will plant your BIG WHY deep in your subconscious mind which will soon develop into a major source of motivation when remembered. Now when performing a routine and faced with the last repetition, allow the mental image of your BIG WHY to float into your mind and you will be thoroughly impressed with the determination you will summon to get you through the last repetition just because you now have a big enough reason why.
For more ideas on how to workout more effectively, click here now:

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