Green Tea Weight Loss Benefits - Does It Really Work?

By Peter Martin

Numerous health and fitness professionals are talking about the tea extract weight loss benefits. Exactly how does green tea really work to help people slim down? Are there any scientific facts to back up the weight loss benefit?

There are usually various causes for gaining weight. But it comes down to two factors. First is the eating fatty food or food that is going to become fat. Second is the amount of burning fat. Green tea helps with both factors.

Green tea extract is made up of amazing antioxidants named catechins. Of all the catechins, epigallocatechin gallate also called EGCG is great for weight loss the most. EGCG triggers thermogenesis that is the function of generating heat in body. This action boosts rate of metabolism which speeds up the process of burning fat. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea improves metabolic rate by 4 percent.

Scientists in Japan had a clinical test with regards to green tea extract weight loss benefits. 38 men participated for the analysis. 50 percent of the participants received green tea extract as part of daily consumption and the other half received only the daily food. After 12 weeks, participants with green tea extract resulted significant reduction in body weight and waist size versus the group of participants without the tea extract.

Green tea also aids with controlling the amount of intake of food. In a clinical analysis, green tea extract was supplied to a group of mice and placebo was supplied to the other group. After seven days, the group that took tea extracts loss desire for food and minimized their intake of food by 60 percent. Fewer consumption of calories concluded in fat loss.

As reported by the scientists, the decrease in appetite was a result of the bringing down of blood sugar level. Antioxidants let sugar to go into the bloodstream at a slower pace which often avoids sudden surges in insulin. Individuals having very high blood sugar level are going to feel more hungry and fatigued. More healthy sugar distribution aids with protecting against unwanted fat storage and food craving.

Closing tips for folks eager about trying green tea extract as a weight loss aid is to make sure to take tea without any additives. Most of the iced tea drinks found in a supermarket consist of additives that include sugar. This defeats the intention of losing weight. It is best to produce your own tea and perhaps add organic citrus fruit juice for example orange juice to improve antioxidants. If preparing tea is too much of a work then consider consuming tea supplements. Many capsules are sugar-free and some contain nutritional vitamins for added benefits.

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