How To Get Motivation To Lose Weight - 5 Tips For Lazy Out of Shape Dads

That is the hardest part with exercise and staying healthy. Not doing the actual exercises or eating the right foods, that's easy, if your motivated. If you lack motivation everything is hard. The bottom line is that if you don't want it bad enough you will fail.
So, how do you find your motivation?

Read through the list and find your top 3 resources for finding motivation. Apply them as fast as you can and make sure you continue to apply them on a daily or weekly basis.
Motivation Tip #1 - Read Up On Health Hazards
It is highly motivational to read about the obesity health hazards. There are so many ways you can die from overweight, not to mention the limits it sets while your alive! Do you want that? Didn't think so.
Knowing what you don't want can also work wonders for motivation, if you associate enough pain with it. If you don't consider dying too young and living a limiting life until that day you probably need to read on and find another motivator.
Motivation Tip #2 - Get a Training Buddy
This is the oldest trick for exercise motivation and it does work great. The key here is to keep yourself accountable and with a training buddy there's one more person that keeps you accountable. If you bail out on a workout it doesn't only affect you, it also affect your friend who now doesn't have someone smart and funny, like yourself, to work out with.
This works both ways of course.
The days you're feeling tired and lazy your friend will be there dragging you to the gym. Kicking and screaming if need be.
Motivation Tip #3 - Promise Your Wife
Oh, that's something that's hard to back down from. A promise to your better half you have to take seriously, right?! Promise your wife a healthier husband with a flatter stomach and with more energy by Christmas (or summer depending on when you read this). Talking about the goals you've set up with another person forces you to take action.
Motivation Tip #4 - Talk About Your Progress and Goals
Why don't you stick your neck out a little. Tell your friends and tell your wife about your goals that you're trying to achieve. This gets you started because you don't want to fail do you?
If you set a goal and telling people about it you're going to have to get there. Also telling others gets you constant reminders when they ask you about your progress. Consider them your very own personal cheer leaders that cheers you on.
Motivation Tip #5 - Log, Log and Log
Keeping track of your progress in a log is very useful to get motivation to lose weight, especially the days when you're feeling weak. Take out your book and see for yourself that you have decreased your stomach measure, increased your biceps, burned fat or whatever progress you are seeing. Log your workouts, log your progress and log your new habits when you include new healthy things in your life.
Now you have tools to keep you motivated. Choose 3 of them and apply them as soon as you can. Starting your road to a healthier life is one thing but sticking with it even when you're not feeling strong is hard and this is when you revisit you motivation list and make sure you hold yourself accountable for your own health and your family's health.
I'm Max J Miller and the father of 2 kids with a genuine health and fitness interest. An ordinary guy trying to stay in shape and teach my kids what's healthy and the things to eat to make your body feel good.
Are you a dad wanting the same things? Come over to GetDadFit now and find more information about fitness and natural weight loss for dads.

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