How to Lose Weight Safely and Help Body Fat Hit the Highway (Tips 1 to 5 )

"Work harder on yourself than you do on your job" - Jim Rohn.

Tip 1: The 10 relationships in your life.

We are who we are because of our habits. What we learned and did yesterday "got us a result" (just how good the result was didn't really matter) so we do it again today - it's become normal. I'm suggesting when we decide what we want tomorrow and create the habits to get it, we find a satisfaction far above "normal".

Your life can be boiled down to the habits you keep repeating in the 10 areas of your life, which are:
- the way you manage your health
- the way you manage your career
- the way you manage your money
- the way you manage your leisure time
- the way you manage your home
- your relationship with yourself
- your relationship with your parents
- your relationship with your partner
- your relationship with your children
- your relationship with your friends and colleagues
Most people are swept along with life, too busy repeating habits of yesterday to find the time to think about what they could be doing instead. You feel a certain way when you talk to your partner, you feel differently when you talk to your parents and differently again when you're managing money or at a job interview.
The way you feel and act in those different situations are the results of habits you've picked up - but now you have the choice to consciously update them.

Tip 2: Where have our habits come from?

As babies and young children, our brains are as wide open as our mouths. Some of the attitudes we can take on and turn into habits may include:
- If during your childhood someone you loved and trusted kept moaning about your "lack of ability", you could justify a self-destructive habit to make what they said about you come true (because you loved them and didn't want to let them down).
- If they ignored you, ignoring others would feel natural. You could also think, "If I wasn't worthy of their time and affection, I'm not a worthy person".
- If you'd seen them succeed and they repeatedly told you with honest emotion "we love you, you're incredible, you'll be a success too, wealth and happiness are yours", that's what would feel normal. You'd expect positive outcomes, you'd trust yourself and copy them. You'd know love and support in an exciting, positive environment.

If you work with your parents, your views may be over-shadowed. Habits involving drugs, over-eating, violence or alcohol may be your learned response to frustration. Neglected children could look for a partner that's physically or emotionally absent because it feels familiar. As parents, it may be easier to spend money on your children rather than giving time or love. "Nesting" may be your focus but not your partners.

Your programming may affect relationships ie: If you were taught to seek approval from others and your partner takes advantage of that, you could feel guilty about your inability to please them or blame them for not accepting you when you should address your need for approval.

Tip 3: Your social networks.

Do your social networks complement the self-image you want to create? It's strong to seek new friends if you're not happy to keep reliving the past. Old friends can remain friends but take action to honor that voice you hear. Can you see them less frequently and when you do, control the meeting (duration, purpose, time of day, location etc)? Find people that seek more from life, a mentor you can model yourself on. Join a club or take a class. Study success because you'll only get what you feel you deserve.
Challenging your past is a great way to create generational change. Your status in social networks often requires balancing your needs with the "dynamics of the group". Fitting in may require giving up your individuality and adopting habits that are "normal to the group". Your decisions end up being based on the question "What will they think" and the habits you adopt for them (including submissive behaviors) can last for many years.

The challenge (or responsibility) we have as adults is to know who we are and what we want. To loose weight safely and help body fat hit the highway, you'll have to redefine your values, update your attitudes and create new habits for outcomes you choose and control. If your friends have lifestyles (or expectations of you) that trigger a habit or feeling you dislike, maybe you should ask if they share your values. I trust you'll enjoy feeling stronger recognising your values, discarding old attitudes and setting a new course to improve your outcomes using goal based habits.

Tip 4: Your self-Image and your Ego.

The first 5 or 6 years of your life were the most important because you've been very subtly programmed. Today you might display (and recognise?) some habits in the way you clean the house (or not) how you cook, think about money or "the system", what you expect from your partner or how you talk to them. Your self-image is your master plan and you sink or rise to the standards it demands. What you believe possible in the 10 areas of your life, add up to your self-image today.
To consider what your self-image looks like, take 10 minutes to "see yourself from a strangers point of view" and write about what you see. What would a stranger think of your friends? What would they say about the way you maintain your health or manage money? This isn't meant to be a guilt trip, it's a chance to look at what you've been doing and ask in each of the 10 areas of your life, "Have I been doing the best I can or just doing what I've done yesterday?"
Remember your ego supports what you've been doing over the years so any changes (especially being critical of what you appear like and writing about it) will be met by thoughts like, " I'm too tired to bother", "I'll never finish it (I never do)", "I'm not in the mood" or "Other things are more important" etc...
 "Seize the day: trust not to the morrow." Quintus Horatius Flaccus

Tip 5: How your feelings affect your body.

Have you seen the movie "What the bleep?" Our bodies get addicted to chemicals released by our brains when we do and feel things over and over. For example, laughter produces a chemical message that rushes through our bodies. Receptors on our cells rapidly receive the chemical message as we laugh and then we feel good too. Imagine laughter becomes an even bigger part of your day. Now (because you're laughing so much more) there's an increased supply of laughter chemicals in our system - so to suit the increased supply of chemicals, each time your cells reproduce (some do every 1½hours) they grow more "laughter receptors".

What's interesting is that with more "laughter receptors", our cells will demand more laughter chemicals - and to feed them, our brain will look for events to create humour and we're seen as a naturally happy person. But instead of happiness, what if we frequently experience events that leave us feeling insecure, poor or fearful?
To loose weight safely and help body fat hit the highway, we need to be aware that our bodies will seek what's familiar and ask our brains for the chemicals to maintain those feelings. "First we make our habits, then our habits make us" - Charles C. Noble.

The good news is that our cells keep reproducing and the chemicals they're familiar with can be replaced. It's your focus that allows you to break chemical addictions to the past. To help your body fat hit the highway and stretch what your self-image sees as possible, you're going to have to challenge your past and to overcome complaints from your body and your ego, you'll need a solid vision of where you're going and ways to apply your conscious and unconscious minds to the task.
It's my intention to invite you to look forward and understand exactly how the benefits of your goal will improve the 10 areas of your life in the short-term and beyond. We do that with practical affirmations and by setting SMART goals. Then, if you want the benefits badly enough, you can work the benefits into your day and eventually "flood your mind with images of your success" (and break free from your past). As the Dali Lama said, "Live out of your imagination, not your past."
As within, so only get what you feel you deserve.

I'm a 55-year-old father of three who's held various middle management positions over the last 20 years. I've used these tips to change my life. I've turned my back on three addictions, I've lost weight, increased my income by 20% a year over each of the last 4 years, I've repaired relationships with my children and found a wonderful partner. I know these tips work and I invite you to embrace your dreams and stretch what you think is possible.

I've got two resources to get you on the path. If you buy "The Truth about 6-Pack Abs" (a fully guaranteed, common sense and practical e-Book that supports you 100% through weight loss) from my site below, I'll send you a free copy of my 60-page e-Book "60 Top Tips for Changing Habits" valued at $47 (some tips are above).

"The Truth about 6-Pack Abs" is one of the highest selling e-Books on weight loss. Nutritionist and personal trainer Mike Geary wrote it and it's fully guaranteed.

"60 Top Tips for Changing Habits" contains what you need to make lasting changes in each of the 10 areas of your life. It's a series of tips and success strategies to reset your conscious and unconscious minds. There's over 20 links to other websites and software downloads that will educate and focus your mind. It's practical, simple, smart and free when you buy "The Truth about 6-Pack Abs" though my site below.

Click the link, see what you think (the presentation is comprehensive) and I look forward to emailing your copy of "60 Top Tips for Changing Habits".
Feel free to email me from the contact page at Best wishes, Eric.
© by Eric McColough 2010 All Rights Reserved.
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