CMS Pulse Oximeters Have Made Their Way To The Home

By Lucille Lamb

Today a lot of people are familiar with CMS pulse oximeters. For anybody who has been in a hospital, seen a family member or a friend in a hospital, you have definitely seen one on someone's finger. They are the little plastic clasp that grabs on to a persons finger and reads and records their oxygen level of saturation in their blood.

This is an important factor when measuring a persons vital signs. We all need oxygen to survive and measuring how much we have in our system at any one time is necessary for a lot of different people during a lot of different situations. You do not always need to be in the hospital to use one of these. That might be why they have sold so well over the recent years.

The same has happened with CMS pulse oximeters. There are various people who are not processing oxygen the way they should and are still living at home because they are just not sick enough to be in the hospital. Yet still needing to monitor their oxygen levels their doctors suggest bringing home one of these devices.

People who are very active also want to know the same things. This is very true of athletes, both professional and semi-professional. Matter of fact, even people who just play pick up games or who are running every other morning might want to know how they are doing regarding their O2 levels and their circulation.

These have also been made to work for people in other ways too. Athletes will use these meters to keep an eye on their O2 levels while they workout or while they play a sport. It can tell them if they need to slow down or if they may need to supplement their oxygen somehow. This is very important for people who may have lung issues but still want to play their favorite activity or sport.

People who exercise on a regular basis or who are athletes are always curious about how their bodies are processing oxygen. They usually will have one in their bag or somewhere with their gear. Having the knowledge of how their bodies are working and how well can tell them what if any changes should be made to their routines.

It can be hard to remember what your levels are like after your workout or whatever you might be doing. A model that just shows you a real time number is fine if you just need to check it, but if you want data to review how your levels fluctuated then you really need one that can record and save the data for later review.

CMS pulse oximeters are great and are also a very popular model. When you go searching for your various options you will notice that many of the ones being sold and discussed are CMS models. They are reliable, fairly priced, and do their job well. You cannot go wrong. If checking and reviewing your oxygen levels and other vitals is important to you then this is the way to go.

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