Learning To Reverse Insulin Resistance Could Be Key To Prevent The Onset Of Diabetes

By Lela Perkins

Most people will have heard about the growing tide of diabetes that threatens to overwhelm medical services, but relatively few people are knowledgeable about the causes of diabetes. There is even less knowledge about the function of insulin and the impact resistance to this vital hormonal substance can have on health. Luckily research into how to reverse insulin resistance has produced many healthy options.

Insulin hormone production takes place within the beta cells of the pancreas. The primary purpose of it is to facilitate the processing of fats and carbohydrates that contain energy sources like glucose. Unused quantities of glucose remaining in the circulatory system become poisonous. The chemical interaction allows these to be stored in the liver, muscle and fat tissue to be recycled when the glucose level within the body requires them later.

Diabetes is caused when these systems that regulate glucose levels malfunction. Sufferers producing no insulin at all become fully dependant on external sources such as through injections or occasionally pills. This is known as type one diabetes. Type two diabetes is different in that patients resist the production of their own insulin. There are alternative medicinal treatments for this but occasionally it is necessary to have it externally supplied as well. Basically all physiological functions, right down to the tiniest cell, depend on energy being released, stored and recycled correctly.

The resistant type condition influences the pancreas to go into over production in an attempt to correct what is thought to be a lack of this hormone. In reality the chemical required reaction to breakdown sugars is not occurring and toxic levels of glucose will accumulate in the blood. Indicators can be excessive fat deposits around the abdomen, cholesterol imbalance, hypertension are often confused with broader heart and circulatory problems.

The over consumption of carbohydrate rich foods, which aggravates the sugar conversion issue, combined with a lack of activity, has resulted in widespread obesity which in itself is one of the main risk factors for diabetes. The sad reality is that many of these so called risk factors can be avoided as can many of the resulting diabetic conditions. Making informed choices about food intake, exercising regularly, taking the right vitamin and minerals will all help to either slowdown or stop the condition from arising altogether.

The weird aspect about human nature is that making life enhancing choices is not hard. Our shops are bursting with high healthy salad greens and vegetables. These foods are low in starch, full of fiber and extremely nutritious. As they have very little sugary compounds in the first place, much of the job is done. Exercise admittedly is going to be more demanding but it can be pleasurable.

Another important part of a healthy diet is quality protein. This assists in producing hormones that influence against producing too much insulin. Sources from fish, soy, poultry and whey are best. Vitamins K, D, E, K as well as naturally occurring antioxidants all help in sorting out sugar levels. And of course, there is the exercise thing again.

In short many of the questions and problems required to be addressed, in order to reverse insulin resistance, are easy to determine and often require little more than will power to implement. Sufferers just need to want to do it.

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