Milford Walk In Clinic Offers Better Option For Many Needs

By Cathy Mercer

While urgent care clinics seem to sprung up in many locations some patients have not yet discovered the convenience and cost savings these medical care facilities can bring. They can provide care if a sudden need arises and you do not have time to wait for an appointment. In many cases, they offer a less expensive option than a trip to the ER. They are also a good choice when you are visiting, new to an area or do not have an established doctor. A Milford walk in clinic can ensure you get the care you need.

Urgent care facilities allow patients to receive the treatment they need if they can be safely transported in a private vehicle. The facilities offer treatment without the need for an appointment. In most cases, the wait time is shorter than at an ER and one can receive non emergency care immediately.

The facilities are ideal for the care needed by an individual who has suffered minor injuries or a minor illness requiring the services provided by a doctor. They can help to eliminate overcrowding at emergency rooms by providing after hours nonemergency medicine and the care needed to restore patients to health.

This type of facility offers many benefits. In most cases, patients are seen, treated and released in a much shorter time than if they were to go to an emergency room. Insurance companies appreciate the lower costs of this type of care and most patients with insurance pay their normal co-pay for treatment. They make care available without appointments and are often open on weekends or holidays.

This type facility is often a better option than an emergency room for after hours, weekend or holiday care. It is ideal any time it is not possible to see a primary care physician. Many facilities are associated with larger medical groups and may serve as an entry way for patients needing to establish such care.

These facilities are an excellent choice for any illness or injury that is not considered an emergency. They can perform x-rays, send specimens to labs and suture lacerations. In some cases, they can even provide an IV that is completed in the facility.

There are some symptoms that call for the services of emergency rooms rather than urgent care clinics. Medical emergencies are indicated by unconsciousness or fainting. If a person is having difficulty breathing he or she should go directly to the ER. Chest pains that are suspected as a sign of a heart attack are considered an emergency. In addition, victims of sudden accidents who suffer serious injuries should be transported to the ER.

When one needs to see a doctor, but the condition does not warrant an ER visit, a better option may be the Milford walk in clinic. The facility provides medical care to patients who cannot see their normal doctor. The option is less expensive than the ER but provides access to a doctor.

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