Why Fad Diets Will Damage Your Metabolism And Slow Down Your Weight Loss

By Russ Howe

Do you know anyone who has struggled with weight loss despite eating a very low calorie diet and performing hours of exercise? There are lots of individuals out there who seemingly can't lose weight and don't know why.

If you have experienced this in the past then today's the day you begin understanding the science behind the problem. []

If you know someone who seems to try very hard with their diet but cannot shift any more weight no matter what they do, the issue is usually something known as metabolic damage. Metabolic damage is a condition associated with a growing number of people in today's society due to the every increasing pressure to find a quick fix solution. The symptoms are usually associated with individuals who do the following two things:

1. A drastically low calorie intake.

2. Performing tons of cardiovascular exercise.

Almost every individual who has damaged their metabolism as a result of trying to shed body fat follow at least one of the two things listed above. Let's take a deeper look into each factor so you can determine whether this issue has happened to you.

Poor eating habits are the main cause of a damaged metabolism. Going from one extreme to the other with your food is exactly what your body does not enjoy. Usually, people will find it more difficult to lose body fat when you are following a very low calorie intake because many people don't know when they have gone too far and pushed their body into survival mode. The body begins to shut down it's metabolism, to prevent you burning fat so that it can keep you alive. This issue is often found in those who follow very low calorie, restrictive diets often associated with celebrity gossip magazines.

Secondly, these same individuals usually follow a very high cardiovascular workout program. Sometimes spending two hours or more on a running machine per day, these individuals wonder why on Earth they must do in order to promote more fat loss.

Of course, this only adds to the problems and forces the body to work even harder to slow down the metabolism and hang onto it's vital fat stores. So despite working very hard, you physically cannot lose anything. If this sounds like a situation you have been in at some point, you are not alone.

The lack of results then tends to make the person quit on themselves. When they quit they go back to eating junk food and drinking alcohol but their metabolism is still damaged during this time, so it cannot handle the sudden influx in food and results in a very quick gaining of weight.

From this point, the person feels the need to get back on their diet except this time they want to punish themselves for slipping off the rails, so they restrict calories even further and workout for even longer than before. This causes further damage.

The good news for anybody who recognizes these symptoms is that it's not impossible to reverse and correct.

Thankfully, correcting a damaged metabolism is not very hard. It is, however, a process which requires a little bit of time. Increase your daily calorie intake by around 5% over the course of the next few weeks. Once your body has been able to adjust and maintain your weight at this higher calorific intake you are ready to increase further.

The worst thing you can do if you are suffering from metabolic damage is to continue dieting. You can't lose weight because your body is preventing you, so if you truly want to enjoy permanent weight loss then you need to correct this very important issue before you can move on.

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