Appreciating The Holistic Life Coach

By Lila Berger

There are many stories of people who have been through difficult situations in their lives. Yet somehow these people were able to rise above their circumstances and help others in the process. A holistic life coach is someone who is able to look at all areas of life as a whole. They understand that everything is connected.

An example of this is a person at work. This individual might be in a job that their parents got for them. While they are happy that they are able to make some money and support themselves, they are not happy. Everyone sees them as being successful because they did all the right things to get the job. They went to school, got their degree and they knew the right people.

So she did as she was told and went on to become a medical doctor. This is supposed to be a very fulfilling job, but somehow she did not feel fulfilled. The money was good and she was able take care of herself and her parents were very proud of her. So she began to wonder if something was wrong with her because she had a good job but was not happy.

Debbie also started having problems with her health. She was eating poorly and started to gain weight. She thought that it probably has to do with getting older, but in reality it was the poor food choices that were causing the problem. She had resentment towards her parents that she could not express to them, so she turned to food as a way of dealing with this.

What this person may not realize is that the choices that they are making come from their emotions. If a person feels that they are not in control of their situation, the emotions take over. Depending on how a person feels at any given moment, they might decide to eat unhealthy foods and make poor decisions which can affect their health.

After a few years of this emotional roller coaster ride, she decided to work with a coach named Amanda, so that she could gain some perspective on what to do. She was afraid of confronting her parents, but this was something that she had to do. With the help of Amanda, she was able to make the necessary changes in her life and still be at peace with her parents.

These changes did not happen overnight. There were times when she did not want to do the exercises that were required of her. She was very nervous when she had to tell her parents what she really wanted to do with her life. In the end, she was able to travel the world as she wanted to do and still make use of her skills as a doctor.

This is one of many examples of how a holistic life coach can assist a person in making the right changes. Many times a person might have to come to terms with how they are living their lives, and if they are living up to their full potential. The right coach can help them put things into proper perspective.

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