If they are doing bicep curls they are basically doing all that requires to be done for the arms, many newbie bodybuilders think that. When training your arms and triceps muscles appropriately, you need to train the muscle fibers in quite a range of different movements. We spoke with some top bodybuilders and assemble some examples of workouts that can really add more thickness to your arms.
Straight bar bicep curl
This is a traditional exercise and is great for warm ups as well as for thickening the arms. You can make use of and EZ bar if you like for better wrist comfort. Your feet ought to be shoulder width apart and you knees somewhat flexed. Hands and elbows should be in line with your shoulders. Hold the bar with your palms facing up and curl your arms to your chest. You can utilize a lightweight for warm-up and a heavier weight for exercise. Likewise attempt doing a few sets with your hands closer together for an enhanced bicep squeeze.
Hammer curl warm-up
A hammer curl is different to a bicep curl because the palms of your hands will be facing your body and not be facing up. Get your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. You can likewise do a variation which is virtually a curl by bringing your hands to the middle of your chest rather than to your shoulders.
Rope push down
This is great for warming up the elbow joints and getting blood to flow to the triceps muscles. Stand quite near to the equipment. Your feet must be a little apart and your knees a little flexed. Keep your elbows near you sides and your hands close together as you grab the rope. Pull the rope down, straightening your arms and at the end of the movement extend your wrists so that your knuckles point to the floor. Do the reverse motion starting from the wrists and bring your arms all the way up to chest level. Towards the end of the movement it is normal that your elbows will be slightly raised. Keep the weights light for warm up and heavier later in the routine.
Barbell overheads
These cannot be lacking on any bodybuilding program. Lie on your bench and raise the barbell up so that your arms are facing directly in front of you. Bend your elbows and bring the barbell close to your chest. Bring it back up. This exercise works your arms without putting unwarranted pressure on your shoulders. A great variation can be had putting you bench in a decline and doing a number of sets in that position.
Alternate curls
For your alternating bicep curls, take a dumbbell in each hand and have your palms facing up. It is excellent to do sets at varying rates of speed with varying weights so that you train both your fast twitch and your slow twitch muscle fibers. Curl your arm up until the dumbbell is shoulder height, keeping your elbow tucked close to the side of your body. Bring it back down in a slow, controlled way. Avoid swinging your whilst lifting the weight.
Preacher curl
For this exercise you will need a preacher curl bench and dumbbells or a barbell. free weights are a little simpler to use since you can take them in your hands right before you sit at the bench. See to it you readjust your seat so that the top pad of the preacher bench is close to your underarms. In this position do your bicep curls. A great variation of this can be to cut short your motion range at each set so that the last set only trains your muscle peak.
If you make these workouts a routine part of your daily workout, you will be able to determine the results in bicep thickness in just 6 weeks!
Straight bar bicep curl
This is a traditional exercise and is great for warm ups as well as for thickening the arms. You can make use of and EZ bar if you like for better wrist comfort. Your feet ought to be shoulder width apart and you knees somewhat flexed. Hands and elbows should be in line with your shoulders. Hold the bar with your palms facing up and curl your arms to your chest. You can utilize a lightweight for warm-up and a heavier weight for exercise. Likewise attempt doing a few sets with your hands closer together for an enhanced bicep squeeze.
Hammer curl warm-up
A hammer curl is different to a bicep curl because the palms of your hands will be facing your body and not be facing up. Get your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. You can likewise do a variation which is virtually a curl by bringing your hands to the middle of your chest rather than to your shoulders.
Rope push down
This is great for warming up the elbow joints and getting blood to flow to the triceps muscles. Stand quite near to the equipment. Your feet must be a little apart and your knees a little flexed. Keep your elbows near you sides and your hands close together as you grab the rope. Pull the rope down, straightening your arms and at the end of the movement extend your wrists so that your knuckles point to the floor. Do the reverse motion starting from the wrists and bring your arms all the way up to chest level. Towards the end of the movement it is normal that your elbows will be slightly raised. Keep the weights light for warm up and heavier later in the routine.
Barbell overheads
These cannot be lacking on any bodybuilding program. Lie on your bench and raise the barbell up so that your arms are facing directly in front of you. Bend your elbows and bring the barbell close to your chest. Bring it back up. This exercise works your arms without putting unwarranted pressure on your shoulders. A great variation can be had putting you bench in a decline and doing a number of sets in that position.
Alternate curls
For your alternating bicep curls, take a dumbbell in each hand and have your palms facing up. It is excellent to do sets at varying rates of speed with varying weights so that you train both your fast twitch and your slow twitch muscle fibers. Curl your arm up until the dumbbell is shoulder height, keeping your elbow tucked close to the side of your body. Bring it back down in a slow, controlled way. Avoid swinging your whilst lifting the weight.
Preacher curl
For this exercise you will need a preacher curl bench and dumbbells or a barbell. free weights are a little simpler to use since you can take them in your hands right before you sit at the bench. See to it you readjust your seat so that the top pad of the preacher bench is close to your underarms. In this position do your bicep curls. A great variation of this can be to cut short your motion range at each set so that the last set only trains your muscle peak.
If you make these workouts a routine part of your daily workout, you will be able to determine the results in bicep thickness in just 6 weeks!
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