Spirometer And How To Use It

By Helene Norris

Spirometry measures the amount of air you can breathe out and how much time you need for this. It can be used for diagnosing various lung diseases, including COPD, CF and asthma. Spirometer is very important tool used in evaluation of lung function, especially for people with restrictive or obstructive lung diseases.

There are several types of spirometers. Patients with various lung diseases typically take spirometry quarterly, under medical supervision. The test takes about few minutes, and the results are available instantly. The results show the degree of obstruction or restriction of air flow within the lung.

Personal spirometers are also available, and can be very useful to all patients suffering from asthma, COPD and CF. Testing and tracking your lung function can be of a great help for people recovering from pneumonia, and all other patients suffering from lung diseases. You will be able to detect possible problems and inform your doctor about them timely.

Regular spirometry can provide very useful insight into your health condition, especially when these results are compared with previous ones. Daily spirometry could detect various problems and help you recognize your symptoms in time. This way you can seek medical care in time and prevent more serious problems, for example pneumonia.

Incentive spirometer is mostly used after different surgeries, for people recovering from pneumonia or suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and similar diseases, or any other health condition that requires staying in bed for longer period of time. It helps you breathe properly and keeps your lungs clear and active. It can also prevent a collapse of one or both of your lungs.

If you take only shallow, little breaths, you cannot provide enough fresh air to your lungs. As a result, fluids and mucus may build up in there, causing different infections, for example pneumonia. Spirometer can help you breathe properly and clear up all obstructed air passages. Deep breathing will clear up your lungs and prevent infections.

Incentive spirometer has a tube you have to breathe air in through. A small ball or a piston will show you how much air you breathed in. Your doctor will give you special instructions about it. Over time, you will be able to breathe in more air, until normal level is reached. After you breathe in as much air as you can, keep it in for a few seconds, then breathe out normally.

Your doctor will tell you how long you should practice breathing this way. After recommended breaths, you should try to cough a few times, to remove built up mucus from your lungs. If you had any surgery recently, you should gently press a pillow on your incision while trying to cough, to reduce the pain.

Every time you use your spirometer, you should keep tracking your results and write them down to show them to your doctor. This handy little device will provide valuable information about your health condition and may prevent numerous complications. It really is very useful for recovering patients, as well as for people suffering from chronic lung diseases.

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