How To Use Basic Principles Build Lean Muscle

By Arnold Sylvester

If you were able to ask one fitness based question and get a straight answer, most men would ask for advice on how to build muscle as easily as possible. Sadly, getting a straight answer on any topic in fitness is something which most men deem to be impossible. Simple techniques such as high intensity interval training and power-based explosive training have been over complicated beyond the point where most people can hold their interest.

Yet, the basic principles which were true 30 years ago during bodybuilding's heyday are still true today. We haven't actually improved greatly on the hypertrophy process.

They include:

1. Focusing on compound lifts is imperative.

These are your biggest exercises and they include moves such as the barbell squat, deadlift and bench press.

The body is forced to grow at an advanced rate with these particular exercise because it needs to recruit far more muscle fibers to get you through the exercises.

2. Learn how many reps to perform.

Several key studies have revealed that the eight to twelve repetition range is optimal for building muscular size and strength.

You'll be stronger on some exercises, naturally, but you can begin using your rep range as a guide to tell you if you are going too light or too heavy.

3. Consistency is the enemy.

While consistently attending the gym is a great thing, consistency can also be a bad thing, as you're about to see.

That may sound strange, but consistently lifting the same weight over and over will not see you hit new results. As your body begins to adapt to an exercise, you will need to push it harder than before to see new results. Therefore, make increasing your lifts an absolute priority.

4. Sleep is hugely important to increasing muscle size.

Sleep is vastly under-rated by most gym users. You must remember that the body undergoes it's major rebuilding phase during the hours of a deep sleep.

Neglecting to go to bed at a decent hour is one of the top reasons why most men find it hard to develop a bigger body. Eight to ten hours is the optimal time to aim for. Less than this and you are asking for problems.

This could be compared to leaving the cement to set on a brick wall, but returning the following day and trying to build on it even further. You're basically knocking yourself down all the time and going nowhere.

If your quest to discover how to build muscle has so far led you down an unsuccessful route, or you have got lost in the jargon which surrounds techniques such as high intensity interval training and strength training, you are not alone. Most people are in the same boat. You can begin getting on the right track by applying the four rules you have learnt today.

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