Stop Aging At Its Tracks With Resveratrol Supplements

By Joshua Bevels

With so many antioxidants known to men, do you know which ones can really help improve the quality of your life? If you're not so happy about going through the aging process, then you might want to befriend the substance known as resveratrol. Prior to purchasing any brand of resveratrol supplement, it is highly recommended that you first get to know more about it and the benefits it can offer you.

Among the most common sources of resveratrol include grapes, peanuts, and cocoa. Red wine is a rich source of this antioxidant. Several years ago, a study was conducted that showed mice having a longer life after receiving a resveratrol supplement, although human trials have been limited. After further studies, more health benefits have been discovered, including anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

There is also evidence that shows that resveratrol can effectively minimize the chances of contracting heart ailments. This made possible through the prevention of LDL cholesterol from being oxidized while blood clots are kept from being formed. Surprisingly, it may also stop Alzheimer's disease at its tracks by protecting nerve cells while also preventing cancer cells from multiplying to other parts of the body.

Losing weight might be a less complex task with the help of a quality resveratrol supplement. This has been shown in recently conducted tests involving obese men, wherein they were given resveratrol for a total of 30 days. Results reveal an increased rate of metabolism that is similar to the effects of a calorie restriction program. The test subjects were all given a standard dosage of 150mg per day.

When looking for a resveratrol supplement, you should be able to find manufacturers selling them as capsules, tablets, or pills. In some cases, facial creams that contain resveratrol are also available and they claim to bring back the nourishment in the skin and at the same time keeping wrinkles and other aging-related skin problems at bay. This might be the reason why it is being called the new fountain of youth.

Since there are only limited studies conducted in the use of resveratrol in humans, doctors do not really make any confirmations regarding its efficacy or safety. As for the side effects, nothing severe has been noted even when taken in higher dosages. The only problem would be its interaction with blood thinners and NSAID's which can cause unnecessary bleeding on a person.

A good thing to keep in mind before you purchase any brand of resveratrol supplement is that it is not regulated by the FDA. In this scenario, it makes sense to be more careful in choosing a product and stick with reputable brand names. Each manufacturer will have their own dosage recommendation and it is usually lower than the ones used in lab tests.

Before you take any resveratrol supplement, it is always best to consult with your doctor first to make sure that you won't encounter any health issues along the way. If you really want to try this product, you should look for companies that offer free trials and determine for yourself whether it is really effective or not. Consider reading reviews on such products to gain more insight about their quality and efficacy.

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