Local Residents Learn How Memphis Chiropractor Helps Get Rid Of Numbness And Tingling

By Jay Dy

The human brain is linked to the outside world by millions of fragile, sensory nerve fibers. These fibers provide information needed for safety and movement. However, when they become numb and tingle, they are not able to do their job. A Memphis chiropractor offers help for such conditions.

Sufferers describe the sensations in many different ways. Some experience burning and pain while others feel as if the limb is asleep. The root cause is that the nerve is pinched and the pinch interferes with communication between one's brain and body.

In order for function to return to the nerve, it is essential to resolve the impingement. If allowed to continue to cause problems, pinches can cut, damage or tear nerves and result in permanent damage. However, in most instances, by resolving the pinch, the peripheral sensory nerves are able to heal on their own.

One of the most common locations for impingements is in the spine. Subluxations and herniated discs allow abnormal pressure to compress nerves. The interference causes numbness in an affected limb and can reach to the fingers or toes. In the lower back, impingements affect the legs and in the neck or upper back the arms. Often, the problem affects the limb without causing pain in the region of the actual pinch.

Chiropractic helps to restore balance to the individual's spine, resolving the pinched nerve. The noninvasive therapy does not depend on shots, medication or surgery. Once the spinal adjustment releases the pressure, nerve fibers begin their process of natural repair.

The feeling of numbness may affect many different parts of one's body. While similar feelings are experienced by damage from diseases, including diabetes, nerve impingements are easily resolved. The help provided by a Memphis chiropractor has been instrumental in bringing natural and effective relief of this problem for many patients.

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