Steps To Bunion Surgery San Francisco

By Marsha Klein

A bunion is easy to identify on the foot. It looks like a bump on the side of the big toe. The big toe usually leans toward the smaller toes. Although it can sometimes be treated non-surgically, if this fails consider bunion surgery San Francisco.

Bunions occur when bumps of tissue and bone form on the big toe. They are a misalignment of bone and/or tissue growth. They most often occur on a big toe, but sometimes affect a small toe. They are sometimes red and very painful. If not treated, they tend to get worse.

This affects many more women than men. Genetics is a big contributor to having this condition. If you have immediate family members with this condition, you are much more likely to suffer with bunions as well. However, they can be the result of an injury to the foot like a sprain. Shoes do not cause them, however, wearing shoes that are ill-fitting can worsen the condition.

Most people will try non-surgical solutions for treatment. For some, just wearing wider shoes alleviates the problem. Others have found success with covering the area with a rubber pad. Some use anti-inflammatory medicines. Some get a shot of cortisone that seems to help. If these non-surgical solutions do not work, surgery might be the next step.

The doctor will first ask questions and get your medical history. Examination of the foot will follow. X-rays of the foot are then taken. He can then evaluate the results to decide if an operation is the best treatment to follow.

This type of operation is referred to as a bunionectomy. It corrects the toe deformity and also should help to relieve pain. A regional anesthesia and sedative are usually administered. An incision is made along the side or top of the toe. Bone and/or tissue is then realigned properly. Severe cases may require reinforcement with screws, wires, or pins. It will all depend on your individual needs. The procedure usually takes around an hour and is done as an outpatient.

Recovery time varies depending on the severity of the case. It can fall between six weeks all the way up to six months. Stitches can be removed from just seven days up to twenty-one. If pins or screws were used, they are removed after three up to six weeks. You will need a walking cast or special shoe for a time up to eight weeks. You are required to stay off the feet for some time. Your normal activities can be resumed in about six or eight weeks. If your case was severe, you may be told not to put any weight on the foot for up to eight weeks. In these cases, expect a longer recovery.

The condition my come back after having the operation. However, this usually occurs if the patient continues to wear ill-fitting shoes. In most cases walking ability and the appearance of the toe are both greatly improved. Of course, as with any medical procedure, it is vital that you research your doctor carefully. Make sure you have someone who is qualified and experienced. Then you may decide to get bunion surgery San Francisco.

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