The Urgent Care Jacksonville Patients Need Is Readily Available

By Cornelia White

Depending on the kind of emergency one is faced with, he or she may be able to seek help at an urgent care facility. However, such establishments also provide services to patrons who are not necessarily in critical need. The urgent care Jacksonville facilities provide is also extended to those with acute illnesses, including bronchitis or the flu. In addition, those who simply find it too difficult to get a doctor's appointment on short notice may seek assistance from such an establishment.

A variety of services are provided by the aforementioned facilities. The exact services offered depend on where the facility is located. This is because the kind of treatment a patient can receive at establishments of this type depends on the licensing requirements and other regulations established in that particular state.

In the majority of instances, patients can pursue urgent treatment at such establishments on any day of the week. Facilities of this type usually open early in the morning and offer evening hours as well. They may also provide services on holidays when it may be impossible to get in touch with one's regular physician. In some regions, particularly urban areas, urgent care facilities operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Depending on the state regulations in the area where the establishment is licensed, an adjacent pharmacy may be part of the clinic. Numerous patrons enjoy this benefit, as they can obtain necessary treatments or fill prescriptions recommended by the walk-in clinic's practitioner without having to go to another location. In certain cases, drugs can even be dispensed by the medical professional himself or herself prior to the patient leaving the exam room.

Broken bones or similar injuries are common reason a person may visit a walk-in clinic. This is because the waiting areas in most emergency rooms are usually crowded, and therefore it may take longer to be seen at a hospital than at one of the aforementioned clinics. Many times, x-rays are done immediately at the facility and advice is given to the patient concerning whether a cast or brace is necessary.

Individuals with influenza, bronchitis, or other acute illnesses may pursue help at a facility of this kind. As mentioned before, it may save time to go to a walk-in clinic when one is ill, as it can be a time-consuming endeavor to schedule a doctor's appointment on short notice. This is why numerous men and women choose acute-care establishments when sick.

A negative aspect associated with such establishments is the fact that a person may not be able to see a medical doctor. For instance, many clinics of this type employ physician's assistants or nurse practitioners to see patients. On the positive side, however, if a person is being seen for an illness or minor injury, the aforementioned professionals can prescribe basic medications and offer a diagnosis, which may be more than sufficient for such patients.

For numerous individuals, the urgent care Jacksonville clinics offer is the ideal option. It is also a good alternative to costly appointments with a doctor or a visit to the emergency room. Many patients can be adequately taken care of by the employees of a well staffed walk-in facility. For this reason, individuals with minor injuries or those experiencing acute illness may wish to consider seeking help at an establishment of this type.

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