How To Increase Breast Size With Brestrogen

By Victoria Wheeler

Breast development begins at puberty and is regulated by the balance of specific hormones. Medical research has shown that the development of breast tissue depends on the delicate balance of progesterone, estrogen, prostaglandins, prolactin and other compounds. An imbalance of these hormones can result in poor breast development or even atrophy (decrease in size). What are Phytoestrogens ? Phytoestrogens are a group of substances found in plants that have moderate estrogenic properties. The phytoestrogens compete for the same receptor cells as true estrogen. Phytoestrogens, through their natural balance of female hormones, promote the development of glandular breast tissue and act as a powerful natural breast enlargement factor. Most women taking herbs containing these phytoestrogens notice a significant increase in the fullness and balance of their breasts. There are a number of herbs that have been promoted by different companies that contain good levels of phytoestrogens and have the action of promoting breast tissue growth and tone. Would you like to know more about How to Increase Breast Size Naturally

Pueraria mirifica (also known as Kwao Krua or Butea Superba) is a plant found in Thailand and Myanmar. Its tuber (fleshy underground stem or root) contains phytoestrogens such as miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, and coumestans. Miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol are found only in Pueraria mirifica. They are much stronger than soy or red clover isoflavones, and are under investigation for possible use in hormone replacement therapy. One of the amazing "side-effects" of this herb is it's action of increasing breast size and firmness. Tests carried out by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University found Pueraria mirifica therapy was able to enhance breast size by up to 80%. Further tests carried out in England found that the plant had a beneficial effect on the skin, and hair, as well as the breasts. This herb is used in both capsule and cream form in natural breast enhancement formulas.

For example, some women have negative reactions to anesthesia during the surgery. In other cases, regulatory bodies discover defects in some breast implants after some women have already used them. This means that breast surgery may not be the best option for you when it comes to breast enhancement. Therefore, you should consider how to increase breast size through other ways as opposed to breast surgery. For example, you can try out a new dieting plan. Changing your diet to accommodate certain foods will increase your breast size. Here are some of the foods that you should have as part of your diet.

Foods Rich in Estrogen and Progesterone You need to understand how your body works before you can appreciate the kinds of foods that you should eat. For example, do you know the hormones responsible for breast enlargement as well as the hormones that inhibit the breast enlargement? Well, here is a comprehensive overview of these hormones.

Red Clover is a source of many valuable nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. Red clover is also considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens).

Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables too. Minerals and vitamins found in several fruits & vegetables help to regulate the level of testosterone in your body. In addition, these foods are known to contain antioxidants that prevent cell damage & strengthen your immune system. Good examples are vegetables such as cauliflower, red cabbage and broccoli which prevent the development of cancer cells.

Fenugreek Seed Extract:Fenugreek is a unique herb rich in phyto-estrogens. Fenugreek aids in hormonal production, and facilitates the development of the mammary glands which 'feed' on estrogens.

Saw Palmetto Berry comes from a small palm tree with large leaves and large deep red-black berries. Saw Palmetto berries contain an oil with a variety of physosterols. Studies have shown Saw Palmetto to successfully reverse atrophy of the mammary gland.

Specific Foods That Will Dilute Testosterone Levels in Your Body You can also beat back the rising levels of testosterone in your body by consuming whole grains and vegetables. These foods have a high level of estrogen that will dilute your testosterone levels and therefore, help you to prevent atrophy i.e. breast reduction. Examples of suitable vegetables include cauliflower, cucumber, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, asparagus, beetroot, cabbage, pumpkin and eggplants. You can also try out legumes that are very high in protein. This is because proteins will reduce the production of testosterone in your body. On the other hand, foods rich in carbohydrates such as hamburgers and fries will only serve to increase your testosterone levels.

Brestrogen, a Natural Breast Enhancement Product Brestrogen is an excellent way of increasing your breast size naturally. The key ingredient in this product comes from the jungles of Thailand. This key ingredient, Pueraria Mirifica, is rich in both estrogen and progesterone. This means that your body gets two of the most essential hormones in breast development from a single product. Thousands of women have tried it and are now pleased with the results. You should also try it today. It is a safe, natural and proven way of increasing your breast size.

Hops Flower Hops flower is a shrub rich in flavonoids, whose action in regulating the hormonal production facilitates development of the mammary glands.

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