The Role Of Custom Footbeds

By Eliza Mendoza

Custom Footbeds are pieces of clothing that are put on the upper part of the sole. This upper part is where the feet rest. The making of these dates back to history when early people placed pieces of rag on the soles. They did these to improve the comfort of the shoes. Modern man has replaced these rags with other smaller and smarter designs of cloths.

These insoles have been produced by various companies. Other companies specify in producing a particular insole for a particular activity whereas others produce a variety. They vary in colors and the fabric making it. The colors could be white, red, yellow or even pink. The fabric used to make them includes cotton, velvet, leather or even nylon. The element used to make it goes a long way to determine the price of a particular insole.

The design is then created by a team of experts. The design includes the shape, color and size of an insole. The size of an insole depends on the size of the shoe intended to be fit into. The shape of the color could be white, green or even black. The type of color should match with the color of a given shoe. The material is simply died to the particular required color.

The next step is the cutting process. The design of the insole is coded into the program intended to run the whole process. By use of sharp blades, the specialized machines cut the textile into the shape for example a sigmoid shape. The cutting exercise is fast. The cutting is done to many fabric pieces.

In the case of machine made products, the process is basically the same. The fabrics are gathered and put together. The material is ensured to be of good quality by a team of experts. Thereafter, it is introduced into the next exercise. This involves coming up with a design just as it was with the domestic made. The blueprint will include the color, thickness and the texture of the insole. The blueprint is then fed to machines which will cut the material into the specifications.

The machines then knit through the edges of a pile to ensure that they are uniform all through. The insoles are then packaged and ready for the markets. The goods could be sold to the domestic and international markets. These insoles have particular functions to their bearers. Thick ones act as shock absorbers for the feet. They generally help to reduce injury to the foot sole especially in the heel areas.

The insole helps to spread the weight of feet evenly. This ensures an easy transition from one phase to another during walking. It ensures the muscles contract and relaxes without much effort. This is in a bid to reduce any form of strain. The foot is aligned accordingly to maintain the various arches. It ensures that the various ankle ligaments are not over stretched. This allows a static stability.

Custom Footbeds help to stabilize the art of many activities. They help to maintain the three arches of foot movement. The arches are the transverse, longitudinal and medial arches. Newer models take into consideration many factors such as convenience and flexibility. They are relatively affordable because many companies have joined the industry . The joining leads to lowering of the prices and an improvement in the quality of the insole. Many people appreciate this commodity.

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