| View email in a web browser | | | | | | | | The billion-viewed "Baby" inspires amazing covers "Baby" didn't just make Justin Bieber a household name -- it also inspired beatboxing sisters, ukulele-strumming toddlers and budding jazz guitarists to put their own spins on it. | | | | | | Justin Bieber - Baby Beatboxing & Acapella Cover VanJess24 | 2,757,464 views | | | | | | | | Neon Trees - Baby (Justin Bieber Cover) Billboard | 3,142,068 views | | | | | | | | | | Trending this week Imagine Meryl Streep in the film version of "Charlie Bit My Finger." It could happen. Seriously! In other news, dolphins stampede and Mr. Burns gets imitated. | | | | #Kimmel YouTube Film -- Bitman Begins
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