The Main Components Of Audiometers

By Essie Osborn

There are numerous things that can be used today to test the function of different body parts. When it comes to the ears and hearing, audiometers are employed. These small devices are often used at the offices of ear, nose and throat physicians, and audiology facilities. They are made with embedded hardware that attaches to headphones and a test button that can be controlled through most personal computers. The primary function of the devices is to check the hearing ability of a test subject.

The units are sometimes used along with bone vibrators. This is often done to evaluate conductive hearing units. There are software and hardware meters made available, each that come in a range of models. The meters are designed to directly connect with computers and can be operated from a home to test hearing. However, the accuracy of results is not expected to be as high with at-home models because there is no standard set for calibration.

In general, clinical devices are produce efficient results that are more accurate. These units are also more costly than traditional software versions. Many times these are used in professional settings, such as audiology centers, research facilities, hospitals and other spaces where precision and accuracy are a major priority.

These devices are employed to test the hearing ability of an individual. Therefore, they should be calibrated on a frequent basis to guarantee that the level that is featured on the display matches the stimulus given to the test subject. Proper calibration is important to producing measurements that are consistent and accurate, regardless of where a test is administered. Furthermore, having measurements that are reliable is crucial when it comes to characterizing the loss. Calibration is usually done through use of an Ear Simulator Systems or ESS, or an Audiometric Calibration System or ACS.

Audiometry, a term derived from the Latin language, is used to refer to the practice of measuring hearing ability. This field is mostly involved with checking the ability of a person to hear at certain levels. Still, there is some science involved that includes tracking one's ability to distinguish between different pitches, sounds and intensities. The machines are known to measure Otoacoustic emissions, as well as acoustic reflex. Test results can be used in diagnosis.

Meters are sold through many retailers. Prices will differ depending on the type. Models that offer better results are usually more complex and therefore more costly. These are usually only seen in professional settings. There are also versions designed for at-home use.

Hearing loss may be caused by numerous things. Loss may be considered partial or total, and permanent or temporary. Usually the amount of hearing loss is best determined by assessing the increase in volume that is needed for the subject to detect the sound. This is an issue of decreased sensitivity to sounds normally heard.

Calibration is integral when it comes to properly using these machines. There are many makes and models available, including at-home kinds. The most accurate results are expected from the versions used in professional settings. Nonetheless, proper calibration can ensure consistency and accuracy from most meters. There are a lot of people suffering with some degree or type of hearing loss.

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