Information About OBGYN Doctor In Tracy

By Linda Ruiz

The fields of obstetrics and gynecology are shortened as OBGYN in many countries. These two medical specialties are closely related allowing them to be practiced as one. Obstetricians normally work as gynecologists too. Obstetrics is involved with the treatment of women during pregnancy periods. It is also called pre-natal care. On the contrary, gynecology is concerned with the health of reproductive systems in women.

A physician who has the right training in both obstetrics and gynecology is referred to as an ob/gyn. The title is at times abbreviated to just O. B. Sometimes the title gynecologist may be used to refer to the practitioner even if their practice involves obstetrics too. Any OBGYN doctor in Tracy has the right training to handle the tasks mentioned above with a high level of expertise.

Qualifying to work in this field requires one to follow all the outlined academic and training requirements. Real training commences after completing a bachelor degree and joining a medical school. Medical schools take four years for one to complete the training. Another four years of approved residency training follows afterwards. There is American Council that governs the practice and also certifies candidates after training.

Residency program is divided into rotations. Trainees rotate among reproductive indocrinology, ultrasonography, gynecology, obstetrics, and gynecologic oncology. Training acquired during residency equips trainees with experience in ambulatory care and performance and interpretation of ultrasound results from transvaginal and pelvic diagnosis. They also train in managing and diagnosing dysfunction of lower urinary tract and breast disease. Patient responsibility increases yearly as one continues to train.

Trainees work as senior residents in their place of training when they reach the last year of residency program. A certification examination is administered by the governing council after successfully completing the necessary training. A board certified status is granted to successful candidates by the governing council. In order to be certified in subspecialties in this field, one need the board certified status. The certified status is maintained by undergoing a recertification process after every 10 years.

The field of obstetrics/gynecology has four major subspecialties. The subspecialties include fertility and reproductive endocrinology, fetal medicine, reconstructive pelvic surgery, and gynecologic oncology. Each subspecialty has its own certification and one can decide to get certified in more than one subspecialty. Other smaller fields in the subspecialties include cancer, pregnancy and delivery, health maintenance during pregnancy, behavioral problems, adolescent gynecology, operative gynecology, urinary tract disorder, and preventive health.

OBGYNs spend time in office and in hospitals during working hours. The activities they do during office visits may include annual exams, pap smears, sonograms, and pre-natal checks. Some outpatient surgeries are sometimes also done in the office. In hospitals, they deliver babies and perform Cesarean sections. On average, an ob/gyn can deliver between 12 to 15 babies in one month. They are called during night time and weekends to attend to emergencies in hospitals where they work. This makes the profession very demanding.

Gynecologists can get employment in academic institutions, hospitals, clinics, or government organizations. Some settle for private practice and work for themselves. Others join group practice to be part of a team and serve the public.

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