Steps For A Profile Design Cobra Bars Installation

By Coleen Torres

If a new component would be installed, there are procedures for that which you need to bear in mind. The procedures have to be followed to install Profile Design Cobra bars properly. That is also a requirement on the policy for the warranty that is provided when you buy one. When you are now knowledgeable on such task, go to its dealer near the area.

They have a manual which contains all of the steps you must do. If you will just do that on your own, you should prepare all of the tools that are needed for this. You must have an Allen or torque wrench. You must also have some sandpaper as you are going to use that to make it smoother. If you have all of what you needed then you could now start on that.

You should avoid greasing the clamping area. If you would be greasing it, it would only cause the bar to slip from it. You have to make sure that such situation would not happen especially when you are already using your bike. It would cause you to lose control while you are riding the bike. It would be very dangerous on your part if that would happen.

You have to ensure that its bar clamp diameter would be suitable on its stem diameter. That has to be inspected as it will surely cause a lot of issues in the future. They would not be fit together when their diameters are different. Before an item is purchased, you must look at its diameter for you to prevent any waste of cash on the purchase you would be making.

If you are installing the stem that is new, there are still some instructions from the manufacturer that you should read. Some steps have been set by a manufacturer so you can be certain that it is correctly done. It is indicated on their manual so they can provide that on you so you will not find it difficult on how you can start with that.

You should check the front stem clamp if there are any sharp edges. Use the sandpaper that you have so that they would be removed. You have to do that as it would damage the fiber of the aluminum or carbon. Once you have placed it on its position, you could now clamp it on the stem. You have to make sure that it is tight.

You could slide a level to its bar. You could make some adjustments based on your preference when you are uncomfortable with it. This must be placed cautiously. You must bear in mind that the warranty will be invalid when it is broken.

You may wrap that if you like. If you will be trying that, you should be certain that you would wear a helmet. Check that it will work well before it will be used on traveling places that are far.

It is important that you would be following those methods. It would be very risky as you would lose control of the bike. It can even cause serious injuries to the person.

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