Great Marriage Counseling Sarasota Florida Can Offer You

By Kerri Stout

You know those married couples on tv that always get along, well that is just tv. In real life marriage is not like that, relationships are a constant struggle. But don't give up on your relationship just yet because you owe it to each other to fight for your relationship. There is great marriage counseling Sarasota Florida can offer you. If you live anywhere near Sarasota then you need to find a counselor before it is to late to save your relationship.

It is very important that you trust and like your marriage counselor, so take some time to research different ones before you pick one. You can ask family and friends that may have used a therapist to save their relationship. If they can't recommend someone then try looking online. Most patients will leave feedback on how they felt about their counselor.

When you and your spouse both agree on one then make you and appointment and be sure you go to that appointment. If you do not seek help from a counselor your marriage may be over and you don't want that, you want to at least try to save your relationship.

You should be prepared because the counselor is going to ask some very personal questions. They will ask about your sex life, your over all relationship and many more personal questions. Be sure to answer all of the questions as honestly as you can. You can not get help if you are lying to them. If you had sex with someone else and you haven't told your spouse the best place to do so is in the therapist office.

You can feel free to say anything you want to your spouse while in the office, it is actually healthy to be able to say everything you keep in all the time. Your therapist will probably give you some homework to do between visits. Things like write each other a letter telling each other how it makes you feel when they do certain things.

Your therapist may also ask you to use words to express your feelings, instead of yelling at each other. She may ask you to say things like I feel hurt when you do that, or it hurts my feelings when you say those kind of words to me. The way a couple talks to each other can make a huge difference in a marriage.

Do you think couples that are married for twenty years or more walk around talking to each other any kind of way they want? I am thinking probably not. They probably speak to each other with respect and love. The also probably listen when the other is upset about something.

You don't have to scream to be heard. You can be mad and still be heard, you don't have to yell at one another to be heard. If you follow the therapist advice while you are home you may be able to save your marriage. It will take work but isn't it worth the work to stay with the one you love? Just remember how you felt about each other when you first fell in love, don't you want to feel that way again?

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