Forms Of Arthritis Pain Relief Toledo

By Jocelyn Davidson

Arthritis is the condition in which there is inflammation in one or more joints. Joint pain and stiffness are the main symptoms. These tend to worsen as one grows older. The mode of treatment will vary depending on the type of the condition. Treatment is aimed at reducing symptoms and ensuring the affected people lead quality lives. In considering arthritis pain relief Toledo residents have many options.

At certain times, one has to try a number of treatment options or a combination of options for the best outcomes. There are various medications in use. Analgesics are used for reduction of pain but are not the solution to inflammation. For the treatment of soreness and inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDs, are used. Some drugs in this category are only bought with prescriptions. Oral NSAIDs may cause irritation of the stomach and increase the risk of heart attack. There are also gels and creams that are rubbed on the joints.

Counter-irritants are the creams and ointments that contain menthol or capsaicin. The latter is the ingredient that makes hot pepper spicy. When these preparations are rubbed on the skin, they will interfere with pain signal transmission from the joints. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs are used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. They stop the immune system from attacking the joints.

There are conditions that are better handled through physical therapy. Doing exercises helps to improve the range of motion while strengthening muscles surrounding joints. At times braces and splints have to be used. Surgery will be suggested in instances where conservative options fail to be of help. There are two main forms of surgery that may be performed.

With joint replacement, the joints that are damaged are removed and replaced with artificial ones. The joints that are most commonly removed and replaced are knees and hips. In the case of joints that are smaller, fusion is used. Smaller joints include those in the ankle, wrists and fingers. Lifestyle and home remedies are also options. Loss weight for instance would help those that are obese to lose weight and thus reduce stress on joints holding their weight. This will increase mobility and limit future joint injury.

Through regular exercising, the joints will be kept flexible. The best exercises are swimming and water aerobics. These are good exercises because the up-thrust force of water reduces joint stress. The use of heating pads and ice packs also reduces pain. There are persons that also consider the use of assistive devices like walkers, raised toilets seats and canes.

The credibility of alternative medicine is yet to be fully ascertained but they are used widely as well. Acupuncture is one such option. Needles are inserted at particular points of the skin. This is believed to help in minimizing pain.

Also effective is the use of yoga and massage. Yoga involves slow and stretching movements that enhance how flexible the joints are and improve movement. Massage on the other hand improves blood flow. Affected joints are warmed and thus pain is relieved for some time. Therapists should know the affected joints prior to massage.

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