Side Effects Of HCG Injections You Must Know

By Elsa Noel

Women who have a hard time getting pregnant usually seek the help of the doctors and a hormone called HCG. HCG, the word form for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is a hormone that can be extracted from the pituitary gland. This is not only beneficial to women but to boys and men as well. If a man has a low sperm count, injections of this hormone will help raise their sperms.

Aside from increasing the chances of a person to become fertile, the HCG is also known as a drug that can greatly help in losing weight. HCG injections Miami and some other places are known specifically for helping the body get rid of excess fats. Discovering that the HCG injection have other purposes and it can help those who are overweight, researches have been done to perfect it.

It is common knowledge that there are a lot of overweight people in the world. In fact, the rates are racing, particularly in some parts of Florida, like in Miami Lakes. Since many people know the risk involving being obese, authorities and professionals who have the means conducted a research on how to help obese people get back to a more normal weight, freeing them from the health risks that they could possibly suffer.

The hormone is not only capable of helping people shed off weight. It is also said to have help in the pregnancy of women who have little chances of getting pregnant. It is not proven to be the cure to infertility but it help women in getting the chance of being a mother. Men who reportedly have abnormally low levels of sperm count have also improved.

Despite its many advantages, there are still some things that a person needs to consider thoughtfully. It is common knowledge that every drug has its own side effects. No matter how serious or how little the effect can be, the user must be very wary nonetheless.

Most common side effects is constant headache, breast swelling, irritation on the injected part of the body that can eventually turn into pain. There are others who have trouble sleeping every night since having injections. These physical effects are some of the mild results when having a regular injection.

Regular injections also have a negative effect on the emotions of a person. One of this is the lack of concentration and interest. Some also experience low level of energy and constant tiredness. The lack of enthusiasm is also evident in some people who have started injections.

Sometimes, people who have used the injection have suffered more serious side effects like allergic reaction to the hormone. And women can suffer from a syndrome called Ovarian Hyperstimulation which can affect the ovaries. It is also possible the people who regularly takes injection suffer from blood clotting which can be detected through several symptoms like warmth, dizziness and terrible headache and pain. When either of this things happen to you, you should immediately call for the doctor.

The usage of HCG should not be a decision that you made on your own. You need to consult your healthcare provider about it. You may not be fit to have injections and you proceeded to using it. This can result to more serious health matters that you do not want to experience.

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