Discover Facts On Soy Vitamins

By Leslie Ball

Unlike other nutrients found in foods like the carbohydrates, vitamins are very essential in the functionality of humans. Due to its unique nature vitamins are not produced by the body thus they have to be absorbed from the sources of food man partakes in their daily consumption like the soy a bean and its other extracts like the soy milk and its beverages like the soya drink which contains soy vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, vitamin b12 and folic acid which all have various functionalities of a human body.

Carbohydrates are a necessary source of existence for humans this is because without carbohydrates the mortal being will not have the energy to do their daily routine and without the energy a man is useless. Although carbohydrates are the source of energy for beings the human body cannot break down the carbohydrates into energy without the vitamin Thiamine which converts the carbohydrates into glucose. The Thiamine vitamin is not made in a human body; human beings have to eat foods rich in Thiamine like the soya bean.

The soy bean also contains a vitamin B3 also known as Niacin. This vitamin is necessary in conversion of food into energy as it is among the main catalysts in the conversion process. Its functionality is not only limited to the conversion process as it is also one of the vitamins necessary in making sex related hormones in the adrenal gland and other body parts.

As we all know electricity cannot travel without a medium and so is the pulse without the nervous system. The human body transports its pulses from the source to ones brain and back via the nervous system and the nervous system needs biotin in transmission of these pulses. This makes the Biotin very important to ones body and some sources of Biotin include the soya bean.

No two human beings will ever be the same, even in identical twins; this is all due to the DNA of human beings. The DNA is different from one human being to the next. The DNA of human beings is formed by a vitamin known as the folic acid which is vital in formation of DNA of human beings thus helping in creation of human identity. This vitamin has its sources from soya beans.

The creation and the maintenance of ones DNA go hand in hand. This is where another vitamins found in soya comes into place, the vitamin Riboflavin is vital in maintenance and protection of the identity formed. Their task is to ensure the already formed DNA is shielded from destruction by other factors.

The vitamin B12 is one important vitamin to human beings. This is because the vitamin is necessary for the formation of the red blood cells in the body whose main function is the transportation and without the red blood cells the body functions on a very low level of operations and at times may be fatal.

As earlier stated soya beans proves to be a vital food source to the human race since it contains a series of nutrient sources such as the vitamins.

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