Laser Treatment For Fungal Nails, The New Form Of Therapy

By Lelia Hall

This kind of infection is common especially on those who are advanced in years and youngsters who share bathrooms as in the case of swimmers and athletes. It mainly causes the nails to change in shape and acquire some weird color. There are many medical remedies and below are details concerning laser treatment for fungal nails.

It is one of the newest discoveries since the field of medicine and it works by making sure that the fungus present in the nails are weakened and killed by the laser rays and the eventual outcome is that it makes them get back to their original shape within a matter of time; however, as effective as it may sound, a couple of tests must be taken to ensure it will be successful.

In addition to it being a simple undertaking, it also saves a lot of time for both the doctor and the patient. It is estimated that a maximum of one hour is taken but this varies from one client to another depending on how adversely they are affected. It is highly recommended that the patient gathers as much information as possible from the paramedic before anything is started.

Depending on the severity of this condition in this situation, multiple sessions may be required. This means that the laser process will have to be undertaken more than once. It calls for a redo of the whole process to make sure that at the end of the day, there are no traces of the organisms left.

All form of nail art including polish and ornaments are not supposed to be brought into the medical room. This is because the presence of materials such as these acts as barriers to the procedure and at other times, they may react with the beams and cause complications which can be avoided early in advance.

Immediately after the procedure, the nails may feel warm at first but within no time, the patients may resume their normal duties. In cases where it was successful, new healthy nails may be witnessed to grow but since these take a long period of time, individuals may have to wait for even a year to realize full results.

There are quite a number of benefits of this procedure especially when comparing with other techniques that have been used in the previous years. To start with, it acts as an alternative to oral medication which is very nasty. Secondly, its painless and to add on to this, it does not take a long period of time as in just duration of an hour, one is able to get back on their feet and resume their normal activities.

In conclusion, nails which are infected by fungus are never beautiful; in fact, they are among the contributing factors to low self esteem. Laser treatment has been witnessed to be very successful in getting rid of this condition permanently. The involved doctor also makes it known to his patient that the chances of re-occurrence are high and proper guidelines are given on how precautions should be taken since fungus are all over.

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