The Cause And Remedy To The Cant Stay Asleep Syndrome

By Lelia Hall

During the life of every human being, millions of words are used with the intent of communicating. When one gets past the age of five or to be more precise, when one learns to communicate, the word "cant stay asleep" becomes common. To those who can't utter it actions speaks louder than words; the crying babies that are such nuisance especially after a long tedious day in the cooperate world. The cause of insomnia has therefore raised a lot of questions, especially in the field of psychology to find the cause and remedy for this condition.

From research, it shows that approximately 40 million Americans undergo sleeping disorders at certain stage in their life ranging from mild cases to acute ones. A sample of 1200 Americans were taken whose age ranged from 21-31. This research was conducted by Health Maintenance Organization in machigan. It showed that 16.6% were affected by life insomnia, 8.2% by hyperinsomnia and 8% by hyperinsomnia plus life insomnia. Considering the age, the youth seem to score high which can be associated with long hours they spend on the computer. In terms of gender, women were more than the men.

Tremendous effort has been put by the governments in conjunction with NGOs in the fight to reduce the sleeping disorder amongst their citizens and the human fraternity at large. Among the institutions that are leading this campaign is the Clayton sleep institute which run diagnosis and treatment using focused and dedicated emphasis on comprehensive care for patient undergoing this nightmare.

Some of the topmost causes of this sleeping disorder include psychiatric disorder, hectic work schedule, poor lifestyle, anxiety brought by different life situations e. G. Medical reports, exams in students etc.

Mental conditions are also an area that need to be addressed if steps are to be made in the quest to fulfill normal sleeping patterns. This ranges from depression, post-traumatic stress from death of loved ones, or even rape cases. Chronic pain from diseases such as cancer, and headache also contribute to this condition. It's scientific that patient with persistent and untreated insomnia have a higher chances of recurrent episodes and onset of depression.

Drug or substance abuse is also a major contributing factor to sleeping disorder. It's now a well-known fact that alcohol interferes with the normal sleeping pattern by disrupting certain neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate sleep. Cocaine as a stimulant drug induces a sense of euphoria which later is followed by a sense of depression. This drug has an effect on dopamine; a chemical produced in the brain thus interfering with sleep pattern. Other drugs include marijuana and khat/miraa.

A commendable progress has being made and several ways of diagnosis and treatment has being brought up. For those with chronic insomnia lifestyle, changes and behavioral approaches can establish a healthy sleeping habit. Mind therapies and cognitive behavioral therapy has also proved helpful. In the elderly, acupuncture and acupressure is advised along with homeopathic and herbal remedies. Prescribed medications such as Benzodiazepines, triazolam and flurazepam are appropriate although they have side effects such as fatigue, confusion, disorientation among others.

With the above stated advice, it's highly recommended to get treatment earlier rather than later as this increases the recovery rate and less personal in the effort to discard the condition and reduced development of associate disorders.

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