Things You Have To Know About Eyelash Extension

By Tammie Caldwell

Some women these days apply several ways and means to enhance the beauty of their lashes. A common way is using mascara, which can also enhance their eyes. There are other applications to do it aside from the mascara like using those fake eyelashes and so on. All of them are applicable nowadays.

If you wish to apply ways and means then you must ensure that the application is applicable and safe for you. One of the methods is lash extensions. Its main difference between false eyelashes must be fully considered by the person. The latter is the reproduction of the new ones that is glued to the eye lid.

The fake ones can also be removed. It only needs short time to do it and to fully enhance the appearance. The extensions are fully made of those individual lashes that are glued well to get a newer look that can last for several weeks before it can be done again. The extensions can also act like the original ones.

The extensions cannot cause any side effects because they are widely know to work properly. They are also created using materials like real hair or fiber. A synthetic material or can be used as well. The common thing is made of mink fiber or hair. The beautician has to determine the overall condition of your lashes first before doing it.

The expert has to choose the correct materials that suit your needs and those that can offer you a more stable foundation. The process should be applied well using a special glue. Each lid has an approximate number of fifty to a hundred extensions for it to appear natural. It must be done well to achieve a better output.

During its first days and hours, one has to get rid of any liquid contact because a certain glue is used to bond the lashes properly and altogether. After doing the procedures, you have to get rid of make up or remover that is oil based to avoid affecting the performance of the glue. The replacement must be noted properly.

There are extensions that can last for forty days or more. You need to touch it up as long as needed to maintain its overall quality. It has to be done every four days after the application. One can also swim or do other activities after the glue is dried up. You can then do whatever you like after several weeks. It is indeed vital for you to perform the right process.

The eyelashes can also be taken off given that an expert is there to aid you do it. You can also decide to remove it at home but know that it consumes plenty of time and the process can really be hard. You have to ensure that everything can be done successfully. There are no problems or any side effects unless if one is allergic to the materials used.

If you have known allergies to any fibers or solvents the you have to mention it in advance before the procedures will be done. It should not be oil based because it will definitely affect the glue. It has to be utilized well to bond all extensions to the natural ones.

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