How Soy Protein Benefits The Body

By Edna Booker

Proteins are an essential part of a balanced diet. Many people think of meat when they think of them but many plants contain high levels of them. Those who have decided not to consume meat and fish need to make sure that they get enough of all the necessary proteins from plants. Soy protein benefits the body in almost the same way as meat because it is complete.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, they are the building blocks. Many types of amino acid are now known and it has been found that there are twenty two which are used by the human body. Most of these are made in house, so to speak in that the body can produce them with little help. However, there are nine others which must be included in the diet for good health.

Soy contains all of these nine missing amino acids and is therefore called complete. There are only a few plants which are complete and so consumption has grown massively in recent years as vegetarians became aware of this. It is also high in other essential nutrients; fatty acids, micronutrients, fiber, calcium and B vitamins. At the same time it is low in fat and cholesterol and so is a great way to get lots of benefits without much harm.

In the East in countries such as Japan, Malaysia and China where people eat lots of soy it has been observed that their health outcomes are much better than for people in the west. For example, Okinawa has the highest concentration of people over one hundred years old in the world. They have lower incidence of cancer and heart disease and are more physically active throughout their lives.

Modern diets are often too high in fat and sugar and do not contain sufficient nutrients. This has been linked to all sorts of problems from cancer to heart disease and even mood disorders. The brain requires a high level of nutrient to function properly and without them cannot produce sufficient neuro chemicals. Serotonin production often suffers and this leads to lower mood. A healthy diet is necessary not just for health, but also for happiness.

There are lots of ways to get this beneficial food into the diet. Soy products are widely available now. There are lots of processed foods which contain it such as meat substitutes, soy milk, tofu and vegan cheese. These should probably be consumed in moderation as they are highly processed and have been linked to food allergies and digestive issues.

This is because it contains relatively high levels of the amino acids arginine and glutamine. The first is a stimulant of anabolic hormones which cause muscle growth. Glutamine is great for bodies under stress and aids recovery of the muscle cells.

Eating soy is a great way to get protein without having to eat meat. It is complete and so contains all the amino acids needed by the body for proper function. In countries where the residents consume lots of it their health outcomes and life expectancy are much better than in the west. It can also be obtained as a supplement in powder form for those who need to build muscle mass.

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