Performing Iodine Skin Test; At Brief

By Olive Pate

One of the major building blocks used by the thyroid in hormone production for use in metabolic processes is iodine. If it is not enough, several derangements happens hypothyroidism being one of them. Among the popular methods of testing for the deficiency is iodine skin test.

The tests ideally measures the rate at which body can absorb iodin through skin. You need to be aware that this is not the only test that you should do to have the full view of iodine levels in your body. Visit your doctor for more tests. This examination typically measures how your body does absorb iodine. Again is not a clinical substitute for this function. Research has not been done to support the use of this test in clinics.

It is done using a solution of iodine of tincture. The normal color of the solution is yellow. A three by three inch patch of skin is painted with the solution. The preferred sites are the abdomen, inner forearm or the inner thigh. It should be allowed to dry completely before you touch anything as staining can happen. The spot is observed for the following 24 hours for changes in the color.

What is emphasized in the test is the duration taken for the entire patch to vanish. If it is still there twenty four hours later, then the results are just normal. However, if it takes a less time than that to disappear, then this means there is a deficiency in absorption. To note is that if the disappearance or lightening is significant in duration less than 18 hours, the deficiency can be moderate or severe and this may be a cause for supplementation of iodin.

Several factors interact together to cause the color disappearance. Iodide is the component which results when iodin is reduced by the human skin. It is white and that is why the original color disappears. Evaporation is affected by the room temperatures and also the atmospheric pressure. Loading test is a better choice when reliability and validity of the results is desired.

Thyroid conditions may result to low iodin levels. The importance of the element is that is helps the gland to regulate heartbeats, maintain weight, stabilize cholesterol, balance hormones, enhance the growth of the muscles, keep regular menstrual cycles, provide energy and maintain positive perceptual attitude.

About two thirds of the iodin found in the human body is kept in thyroid gland. Taking seaweed vegetables is a sure way of boosting the iodine content in the body. One spoon a day of this is enough to regain the normal levels. Seafood of even fish can also help out. Other food types containing iodin are eggs and also dairy products. Goitrogens are foods which hinder utilization of iodin in the body. They are food like cabbage, kale, soy flour, peanuts, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnips and kohlrabi.

Reactivation of the gland requires selenium, tyrosine, copper and zinc. Therefore, make sure your diet contains foods with a high content of these minerals. People having an immune condition known as Hashimotos Thyroiditis should not go for these supplements unless the doctor deems it necessary.

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