Relieve The Symptoms Of Flat Feet With Arch Support Orthotics

By Phyllis Schroeder

One of the most common complaints faced by podiatrists is flat feet. Luckily the condition itself is not painful, but it can lead to discomfort. Arches perform an important function. They help to dissipate the stress of movement and people without arches are subjected to more stress on their muscles and tendons. By opting for quality arch support orthotics most of the negative effects of flat feet can be overcome.

Every child is born with flat feet. Their arches only develop as they grow a little bit older. Some people just never develop arches and they have to be satisfied with living with flat feet and its consequences. Parents that notice the lack of arch development can introduce a series of exercises that may remedy the situation but this will only work if it is instituted early.

Flat feet is not just a problem attributable to birth. Many people develop the condition later on in life. Obese people routinely develop fallen arches. Those with hypertension and diabetes are also prone to develop the condition. The tendons and muscles in the feet of older people deteriorate and this can also lead to fallen arches. Luckily, the condition is not dangerous at all.

There is no cure for flat feet. The best thing people with this condition can do is to invest in high quality sole inserts. These inserts fit snugly into the shoe and provide support for the arches. In most cases the insoles can be used in different pairs of shoes. They not only provide comfort but they also help protect the feet against undue stress.

There are also some exercises that can do much to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the feet. Podiatrists advise their patients to walk barefoot as often as possible, preferably in sand. It also helps to perform regular stretching exercises. The feet should be rotated from left to right and back again and the toes should be spread as far apart as is possible.

One of the most important preventive measures is to wear shoes that fit well and that provide support to the arches. This is especially true for sports people. High heels should be avoided as far as possible. Experts advise that shoes should never be bought when tired or on hot days. It is even advisable to wear inserts even when not suffering from fallen arches.

When buying special insoles it is worth it to insist upon quality products. Many products do not conform to the specifications designed by qualified podiatrists. These products can actually cause more harm than good. Rather choose a product that has been designed by foot experts and that enjoy a good reputation. When in doubt, ask advice from a qualified professional or visit a reputable shoe merchant.

There can be no doubt that flat feet can cause discomfort. Using special inserts in shoes can do much to alleviate this problem. Fallen arches may not be curable, but it can certainly be handled effectively. Insoles are available widely from many reputable dealers and even from foot doctors. They are cost effective and they work wonders to prevent pain and even poor posture.

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