Some Facts On Gastric Banding Surgery Nj Residents May Wish To Know About

By Olive Pate

There are many methods of losing weight that exist in Englewood, nj. For many years, engaging in routine physical exercise and dietary modification have been the main ones. Over the years, it has been shown that some patients do not respond to these measures and require a more radical approach. Different forms of surgery are now performed to deal with the stubborn forms of obesity. There are some important things relating to gastric banding surgery nj residents should know.

This operation is a minimally invasive procedure that is aimed at limiting the stomach capacity. Reduced size means that less found is required to fill it and satiety is achieved much earlier than was the case previously. With time, the individual begins losing weight steadily. The food eaten is mainly used to produce energy and very little goes to storage.

The ideal candidate for this operation is a person whose body mass index is more than 40 or weighs 45 kg more than their ideal weight. A lower BMI of between 35 and 40 is accepted if there is a medical condition contributing to the excessive weight. This often happens in the case of hypertension or diabetes. The candidate must be over 18 years of age and should have attempted the conventional methods of weight loss.

There are minor variations between centres with regard to the preparation that has to be undertaken. In most cases, one is asked to modify their diet and frequency of eating in preparation for their new lifestyle. You may be asked to eat smaller portions frequently than few large meals. It is also important to avoid high calorie foods that are likely to increase body weight. If there are any underlying medical conditions, they should be treated before the surgery.

General anaesthesia is typically used in the operation. This may be a downside if you intend to witness the surgery as it goes on. Arranging a video recording may be a good idea in this case. Three holes to serve as entry points for the instruments are made on the abdominal wall. A laparoscope is inserted into one of these entry points and an image of the internal organs of interest projected onto a monitor.

There is no actual cutting that takes place during the operation. Reduction of the stomach size is achieved by placing a silicon band around the upper part of the stomach. Effectively, a small pouch is created and serves as the food reservoir from then on. The band can be adjusted as is desired. The pouch holds less food than was the case before.

There are several side effects that you need to be aware of even as you consider undergoing the operation. In the period immediately after the operation patients usually complain of abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting. The discomfort may be the result of ulceration caused by the band. Other complaints include weight regain, malabsorption and constipation.

In general, few complications are encountered. Death rates stand at 1 in 2000 cases. It should be understood that the skill of the surgeon plays a big part in determining the results. At the same time, dietary modification and engaging in physical exercise need to continue.

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