Ways On How To Speed Up Metabolism During Menopause

By Daphne Bowen

There are many changes, both physical and psychological that take place during the period of menopause. While some of these changes are almost unnoticed, others are very dramatic and bothersome. Weight loss is one of the changes that has been reported by a large number of women approaching this period. The two main causes for this problem appears to be a reduction in general physical activity and reduced estrogen levels. Here is how to speed up metabolism during menopause.

Conservative treatment options have to be attempted first before considering the invasive interventions. The rate of metabolism is closely related to the energy requirement by body tissues which is in turn related to the rate of physical activity. This means that by increasing your daily physical activity will help increase the rate of metabolism. Thirty minutes of intense physical activity for at least three days in a week is good enough.

Hormone replacement therapy helps to take care of very many other problems other than the disordered metabolism. Estrogen may be given in isolation but more commonly it is administered alongside other synthetic hormones so as to achieve a balance in the resultant effects. The duration of therapy varies from one individual to another depending on the initial symptom severity. Serial tests will routinely be performed by your doctor to determine whether the desired levels have been achieved.

Estrogen has two main effects; increasing the rate of metabolism and influencing the site of fat deposition. In presence of normal hormonal levels, fat deposition takes place mainly in areas around the hip, thighs and buttocks. In its absence, it is mainly deposited around the abdominal region. This type of fat is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome and other conditions.

Proper weight control during the menopausal period is associated with many benefits. The amount of cholesterol is reduced and this in turn helps to reduce the risk of contracting non communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Low cholesterol also reduces the number of strokes and heart attack events. Other diseases whose risk is reduced include colon cancer, diverticular disease and kidney disease.

Getting enough sleep will greatly influence your metabolic rate. Contrary to what many people believe, staying awake for long hours does not increase the rate. The reverse is in fact true. There is close to 5% reduction in the rate for every night of sleep missed. At the same time, studies have shown that with better metabolism, sleep us improved. The target should be seven to eight hours of sleep per day.

Dietary modification will most certainly be required. Since different foods have different levels of calories, the metabolic rates will also be different. The idea is to have a metabolic rate that is sustained over a long period of time. In this regard, having small frequent meals will be more helpful. Large fewer meals may cause sudden drops in glucose and release of cortisol hormone. The hormone breaks down muscle and reduces the basal metabolic rate.

As age catches up with us, many things happen to our bodies. Slowing down of metabolism is one of these changes. It is seen in a significant number of women in menopause. This effect is mainly attributed to reducing levels of estrogen hormone. Lifestyle changes are an important intervention that can be undertaken by affected persons. Hormone replacement therapy is another popularly used treatment.

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