Details On Glaucoma San Antonio

By Mattie Knight

Glaucoma is a disease which affects the optic nerve of the eye affecting vision and even leading to blindness. It is actually the leading cause of irreversible blindness all across the world. Damage to the optic nerve is usually due to elevated pressure in the eye. In relation to this, the following is an article on glaucoma San Antonio.

Despite the fact that everyone is at risk of suffering from this disease, there are some who are at a greater risk than others. These include people with past eye injuries, those who take steroids, those suffering from diabetes among others. The family tree also plays a big role in determining whether on is at risk. This is because one can inherit it from their parents or even siblings.

Unlike other diseases, its the silent type. This means that it slowly takes away ones sight without them being aware. Its symptoms actually appear during the later stages where treatment is not that easy. Due to the fact that it is the reason as to why early diagnose is mandatory in all situations, just in a bid to try and save the remaining vision before its all taken away.

Despite the fact that its not easily noticeable in the early stages, there are several warning signs. One usually has a hard time adjusting to dark rooms and difficulty in focusing at near or far things. There is usually a change in the color of the iris and the eyelids appear swollen. Another warning sign is that the eyes often appear watery.

In San Antonio, doctors educate their patients of the need to have regular checkups. These should be done in a two year interval or more often according the instructions given by the doctors. During these sessions, several tests are carried out which are all very quick and painless. To increase the accuracy of the outcome, all tests should be conducted at once.

There are several options for treating glaucoma. They include administration of medicines, laser treatment and the traditional surgery procedures. While these do not restore eyesight, they help in preservation of the remaining eyesight. This is where early treatment comes in. Its also the reason as to why diagnosis is important.

Doctors in San Antonia usually make a point to explain all the available treatments and their expected outcomes. Its important for a treatment plan to be developed by both the patients and the medical team. For the early stages, treatment is usually in the form of eye drops and pills. Before beginning treatment, it is crucial to inform the doctor of any other medicine which one may be using.

In conclusion, statistics show that millions of people from all over the world are losing their eyesight as a result of glaucoma. Due to the fact that it cannot be detected in the early stages however, doctors in San Antonio emphasize on regular checkups and consistency in treatment in case one falls a victim.

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