Chiropractic Adjustments Help Leg Pain Sufferers Find Relief In Laguna Hills, CA

By Princess Allice

There are numerous possible reasons for leg pain. It is especially difficult to get around when your ability to walk is impaired. Consider tendinitis, an automobile accident or overuse as possibly being to blame. According to information provided at Laguna Hills Chiropractic, another major cause is sciatica, which causes back pain that extends down one leg.

Arthritis causes pain in one or more joints and the hip joint is susceptible. Osteoarthritis often accompanies the aging process. As a weight-bearing joint, the hip may be aggravated each time you walk. This is exacerbated more when the distribution of weight is abnormal. This can be the result of the spine being misaligned.

Turning to chiropractic advice is the first step to getting relief. A first appointment is spent examining your back and legs. You will give a medical history, have your reflexes tested and possibly take a range of motion test. An x-ray might be needed. A thorough assessment is done before any care can begin.

At the conclusion of the exam your evaluation may divulge the presence of sciatica. This condition causes severe and often excruciating pain, most likely on a daily basis. The sciatic nerves are irritated or inflamed, usually by being compressed. Each is made up of five smaller nerves which extend down the leg. Even smaller ones reach the knee, foot and toes.

Too much exercise can bring on a flare-up. Sciatica is felt as a sharp pain in some people and a dull ache in others. It can affect one or both legs. Too much sitting can sometimes make it worse. For example, if you work at a desk for eight hours a day, it can flare up.

A great number of people in pain turn to chiropractic care for alleviation. Some are not willing to have any invasive procedures done. Others are afraid of addiction if they take pain medication. With a series of gentle spinal adjustments, a custom tailored exercise program and sometimes massage, your pain can be alleviated allowing you to enjoy life again.

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