Type One And Type Two Diabetes Sufferers Find Relief With Functional Medicine Center

By Lonnie Trevarthen

Thyroid disorders afflict a large number of people in America. Statisticians report fifty-nine thousand. It is a large group that is affected by dysfunction in this tiny gland that lies in the neck. One leading Dallas thyroid doctor advises that it is not a condition that should be ignored.

A long list of symptoms exist, but do not necessarily show up in everyone with the dysfunction. Therefore, it is not always easy to identify. In fact, some individuals show no symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they show up slowly and over time. Blood testing is sometimes required to recognize it. This disorder is one thing to consider if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, painful joints or your arms feel weak.

Brittle hair, hair loss and dry skin are all symptoms associated with diabetes. If you are especially sensitive to cold or have low energy, these are additional signs. The thyroid gland may be swollen along with all the other characteristics of the disease.

Researchers have discovered evidence of the co-existence of thyroid disorder and diabetes in the same person. It is said to be due to both being the result of a lack of normalcy in the endocrine system. This correlation is found frequently in both type one and type two diabetics and testing for both disorders is recommended.

It is not apparent to non-medically trained individuals how chiropractic care can be beneficial as a method to alleviate diabetes or thyroid disease. However, when the spinal column is subluxated, or misaligned, the nerve impulses needed to activate the pancreas are blocked. A series of spinal adjustments can correct this blockage.

The pressure on the spinal nerves that is blocking the signals can be lifted through the spinal adjustments. This may promote sufficient production of insulin. It is easy to see how freeing the nerve impulses and promoting insulin production can benefit diabetics. Medical doctors and chiropractors sometimes work as a team to give the best care to one individual afflicted by both diseases.

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