Understand How A Dallas Functional Medicine Center Helps Diabetes

By Melisa Carlucci

A single glandular disorder can easily contribute to the onset of another. Many individuals have combination conditions such as diabetes in conjunction with a thyroid disease. One can learn to manage their circumstances with the help of a specially trained Dallas thyroid doctor who focuses solely on this type of issue.

Endocrinology is the study and tending of conditions resulting from problems in the proper functioning of one's endocrine system. It is made up of a complex network of glands which may have an unhealthy effect on each other. When one part is not performing up to par, others could be strained to compensate, spurring the development of imbalances to be corrected.

Glands are the organs that are responsible for the manufacturing of hormones. Those are the substances that are necessary to control certain bodily activities such as reproduction, growth and development, moods, energy and metabolism. The endocrine system is made up of the ovaries, testes, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal, hypothalamus and pituitary.

Focus usually switches to this particular glandular system when a physician has noticed a hormonal imbalance in their patient. They run a battery of special tests in order to see what issue they are dealing with and its level of progression. Slow body growth, osteoporosis, infertility, cholesterol disorders, hypertension, menopause, diabetes, metabolic disorders, and thyroid diseases are all conditions commonly addressed by endocrinology.

After the tests have all been completed, the physician is more equipped to calculate the most appropriate way to tend the individual's needs. This care can be quite difficult because the interaction of the glands often brings about unstable results in those near them. Hormonal replacement therapy is a frequent course of action.

Physicians seek to help diabetics learn the best way to control their condition and effectively manage their blood sugar levels. Glucose levels are extremely important as their imbalance can greatly affect the other organs in the endocrine system. The doctors want to assist the individual with improving their quality of life through the management of their disease.

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