Basalt CO Chiropractic Doctor Offers Wellness Care And Postural Correction Therapy

By Carlene Eriksson

Good posture is important to your appearance. It can also be important to retaining a healthy, pain-free existence throughout your life. Posture that is lacking can cause aches, dysfunction and in some cases, major pain. A leading Aspen CO wellness chiropractor focuses practice on achieving and maintaining good posture in those who follow the dictates of wellness care.

Standing up straight is not the only thing that constitutes good posture. It is also the position of your body in relation to the area around you. As a form of nonverbal language it shows self-confidence and a good attitude.

If the skeleton is well balanced, it protects the rest of the body. Good balance is not responsible for developing a deformity. If joints remain in the optimal position, the minimal amount of stress is placed on the body.

If your muscles are forced to compensate for joints that are not in the right position, it will cause stress on the muscles. Wear on the joints is damaging. Tension in the muscles does nothing to maintain a healthy spine.

It can cause pain in the knees, spine or pelvic joint. It can also be the source of hurt in the upper back. An extreme case of bad posture can be responsible for respiratory difficulties.

Those things may cause pain in your knees, back or pelvic joint. Other possibilities include pain in the upper back and headaches. In extreme examples, a serious condition such as a respiratory abnormality can be caused by bad posture.

Your first appointment is going to be spent evaluating your posture. You will show how you stand, sit and walk. You will be observed walking across the room.

Your spine is observed and palpated. Flexibility is assessed. Limbs and waist are measured. The strength of the muscles is also assessed.

After the examination is complete, a program for your care will be recommended. You may require spinal adjustments, massage and heat applications. In addition you will be given exercises to use at home to strengthen muscles.

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