What You Need To Know About Supplements For Macular Degeneration

By Carol Campbell

Generally, age-related macular degeneration or the AMD is a major reason for blindness among many people above 55 years. However, this condition still remain highly untreatable. Nevertheless, there are several remedies that can be relied to minimize advancement of this condition. Generally many doctors usually recommend taking supplements for macular degeneration apart from the possible treatments.

Generally, the condition results as a person ages. Aging causes the deterioration of the tissues in the central retinal organ known as the macular. Because it is in this central region that images of objects are develop by the eyes to allow a person to see, the degenerations result in poor or low visual performance for the affected persons. The AMD condition is generally classified into two, the wet and the dry.

The use of supplements have been found to slow down the degeneration process of the central retinal organ tissues. For instance, a supplement can improve the health of your central retinal tissues thereby minimizing the consequences of blindness. Some of these supplements are highly nutritional. For instance, many formulae for this supplementations contain antioxidant vitamins.

On the contrary, there are various products purported to be the supplements presently in the market. This owes to the commonness and severity of this condition. In consequence, it is vital that thorough verifications of such products is done prior to purchase and use. One can always rely on some steps to effectively determine that the essential elements are not lacking in such products.

To begin with, an eye vitamin supplement should have the 7 basic ingredients. The recommended ingredients are zinc, vitamin E, lutein, vitamin C, lycopene, zeaxanthin as well as copper are seven ingredients that should not lack in the formula. The nutrients are essential as they slow down the advancing of the AMD condition. Lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin for instance protect against damages to the central retinal tissues by sunlight.

The vitamin supplement purchased also needs to have FloraGlo lutein. This is a superior form of lutein that usually assures better results. Another key feature to look for is the lutein to zeaxanthin ratio. An ideal situation requires that a supplement for this condition contains lutein and zeaxanthin in the ration of 5:1. This follows after the ratio of these components in most naturally occurring and healthy foods. For instance, if the supplement has 10mg of lutein, there need to be 2mg of zeaxanthin.

Another feature to check out for when buying the supplement is beta-carotene. These supplementations should be free of this element. This element is usually labelled as vitamin A, and should be avoided since it is highly associated with increasing the risk of cancer. Also, it is important to check whether the supplement is a product of a reputable company and one that adheres to the rule of production.

However, other than being there preferences to supplements, there are other ways that can be used which would as well provide equal results. For example, it is always important to take a healthy diet since this is essential for the health of your eyes. In addition, these healthy diet should contain fruits and vegetables. This is because this fruits and vegetable are usually rich in the nutrients that occur naturally.

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