With A Bariatric Surgeon New Jersey Patients Can Beat Obesity

By Cynthia Brooks

The percentage of populations in developed countries that are classified as either severely overweight or obese is steadily rising and is indeed becoming a serious health threat. Overweight people often suffer from various concomitant conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. In addition, many overweight people cannot move without discomfort and therefore has to deal with may limits upon what they can do. With help from a bariatric surgeon New Jersey patients can, however, change their lives.

This type of surgery is risky and of an extreme invasive nature. That is why surgeons do not automatically accept patients. They want to be sure that potential patients are fully dedicated to living a more healthy life and to do whatever is necessary to prevent gaining the pounds once more. Therefore most patients have to submit to a preparation period of at least six months before the procedure is scheduled.

A surprising percentage of potential patients simply cannot make the dramatic changes expected of them during the six months preparation period and are therefore no longer eligible for the procedure. They become truly motivated and even hire special coaches to help them stay motivated and to develop the discipline necessary to adopt a totally new life style. For them, surgery is just the first step towards a brand new life.

Patients that have consumed alcohol or used tobacco products during the past six months do not qualify for this surgery. They need to stop for at least six months before they will even be considered. This is because smoking can easily lead to blood clots during the procedure and alcohol can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate wildly. Both these problems can lead to very serious complications.

To show their dedication towards losing weight and to reduce the possibility of complications, patients are required to lose quite a lot of weight prior to surgery. Many find it extremely difficult to adapt to a strict new diet. Sugar is out and every meal must contain at least some protein. Salt and caffeine intake must also be limited. It goes without saying that fast foods and snacking are taboo.

Patients have to start a strict exercise regime without delay. Swimming, low impact aerobics, cycling and walking are all highly recommended. Many patients find it beneficial to take up yoga. This discipline not only improves fitness, but it is also highly effective in helping to improve concentration and self discipline. Fitter patients recover much quicker from surgery and they are less likely to develop complications.

Reputable surgeons will prepare their patients for the few weeks immediately following surgery. They will most certainly experience discomfort and they may find it very difficult to walk or to bend. Severe bruising all over the body is also to be expected. Patients will have to forego all solid foods for at least two weeks after surgery. Luckily, these unpleasant side effects will disappear after a few weeks.

Bariatric surgery is not a fast route to losing significant amounts of weight. It requires careful preparation, a very high level of motivation and the willingness to embrace a totally new lifestyle. Those that succeed can look forward to entirely new lives.

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