Various Health Nightmares Can Be Avoided Via Weight Loss Los Altos CA Experts Are Offering

By Peter Myers

Health authorities confirm that being overweight or obese can put one's health in grave danger. It's because such can come with an assortment of very serious complications that range anywhere from hypertension, type 2 diabetes to cancer. The elimination of excess pounds, needless to say, is really important. Read on to come across some of most terrifying health issues that can be dodged through effective weight loss Los Altos CA fitness professionals are offering.

Elevated levels of bad cholesterol. Not a lot of people are aware of the fact that there's bad and good cholesterol. It's a must for the good kind of cholesterol to outnumber the bad kind. If it's the other way around, your arteries are likely to end up narrowed. Arterial narrowing can deprive your brain, heart and other organs of much needed oxygenated blood. This is the reason why you may end up with a stroke or heart attack.

High blood pressure or hypertension. Another problem that can stem from the narrowing of the arteries is high blood pressure. Each time you are furious, excited, nervous or stressed, having an elevated blood pressure is completely understandable. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said if your blood pressure is increased all the time. Heart experts say that hypertension can put you at risk of suffering from heart disease one day.

Elevated blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance may strike if you are obese or overweight, and it's something that can cause sugar in your blood to become abnormally high. This is an issue that's considered as a risk factor for diabetes. If truth be told, diabetes is a lifelong disease. Failure to manage it can cause so many health complications to come into being one day, ranging from nerve damage to a heart attack.

Risk of having fatty liver disease. Commonly, fatty liver disease is brought about by excessive consumption of alcohol. However, there is a type of the said disease that can be blamed on having excess kilograms. In advanced stages, the only solution for fatty liver disease is a liver transplant. Without organ transplantation, a number of very serious health problems are sure to strike.

Increased cancer risk. Believe it or not, excess fat tissues in the body are capable of manufacturing hormones. Such can cause hormonal imbalance, thus increasing risk of certain types of cancers. Doctors say that it's not unlikely for obese or overweight individuals to suffer from cancer of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, colon, ovary and breast.

Pain and inflammation of the joints. If you have a lot of excess pounds, your weight bearing joints tend to be stressed all the time. This is the reason why your lower back, knees and ankles may eventually suffer from arthritis. Having this joint disease can make it extremely challenging to exercise, making it more difficult for you to eliminate those unwanted pounds.

There's no denying that having a more ideal body weight is of utmost importance. Fret not if you don't know how to begin the journey. You can seek the help of a fitness expert, someone who can formulate a personalized plan necessary for your success.

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