Britain's Obesity Rates Keep Rising

Today, acquiring a full meal is as easy as picking up the telephone or ordering online. Additionally with electronic devices promoting a lazy and indoor based lifestyle, the necessity for high street grocery shopping, sports or other physical activities have been abolished. These are some of the main contributing factors to today's high levels of obesity and are forecast to only get worse in coming years.

The daily mail claims that a study has found 400,000 deaths are a direct result of excess weight and with the stats of around half of the UK population currently overweight and on route to obesity increases. Out of the weight related deaths, the study identified 70 per cent caused by heart disease and 20 per cent due to cancer. This stresses the importance for people to make changes to their lifestyles in order to fight against heart disease and cancer rates in the UK.

According to the University of Madrid, Britain is already Europe's 'fat capital', with the most number of weight related illnesses per population found in the UK. Although this may not concern many people who just love to indulge in fatty foods, the real concern is for the younger generation who are picking up bad habits and carrying on the British tendency for takeaway food and cheap nutrition lacking ready meals.

Research published in the Public Library of Science (PLoS) by Morandi et al., has found that obesity in children can actually be predicted. Through combining several factors known at birth, doctors will be able to predict the likelihood for the child to develop obesity in later life. This ground-breaking study was able to predict approximately 80% of obese children and has the opportunity to prevent millions of obese related implications through managing the child's weight gain early and cautiously.

However, until the research has been proven enough to be utilised in hospitals, the BBC highlights that the primary and easiest way to tackle obesity currently is by not gaining the excessive weight in the first place. However, if you have already put on unneeded pounds, then the advised action would be to implement a healthy eating plan with regular exercise. This will contribute largely towards a healthy all round lifestyle and reduce the likelihood of the obesity developing into further health complications. As the BBC shows 17 per cent of boys and 15 per cent of girls are already obese in the UK, it's our job as the older generation to utilise the mass number of information available on losing weight safely and to guide the youth towards a better and healthier future.

Overall, obesity is becoming an ever increasing worry for the general public in Britain. The only way things can change is if people come to a realisation that the actions of today have huge implications later in life. Making the right food and exercise decisions should be done as soon as possible and the message should be sent to as many people as possible to promote a healthy lifestyle and the avoidance of obesity especially in our younger generations.

Arnold Nevsky writes for Muscle Finesse, raising awareness of subjects such as weight loss tablets. For this article he had to be particularly careful with the knowledge he used from the company, as there are many people who are sensitive to the issue.
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