Obesity Today

Some time ago, fat people were the personification of prosperity; thin people, on the contrary, symbolized the hard and poor life. Nowadays, things have changed and the food that first and foremost is a tool that supports life and health has turned into pleasure and cure against stress. All sorts of household appliances designed to free time for sports, travels, cultural and leisure activities as a matter of fact chained people to the couch.
Constant overeating and lack of exercise inevitably lead mankind to obesity and obesity associated diseases. There are several groups of factors that contribute to excessive accumulation of adipose tissue. Among these factors are demographics particularities such as age, gender, and ethnicity as well as social issues such as education, income, and marital status.

What is a healthy weight?
Healthy weight is the weight when the risk of disease is minimal. The weight depends on the height and constitution, and therefore is characterized by a special Body Mass Index or BMI. BMI allows determining normal weight range as well as its deviations. It is good to determine Body Mass Index with BMI calculator specially created for men, women, and children.

Is obesity a disease?
In the world the number of obese people is approximately equal to the number of thin individuals. According to the materials of the World Health Organization among the causes of death the first place is kept by smoking and the second place belongs to obesity. Overweight and obesity are characterized by the accumulation of fat against the background of diets with caloric excess and physical inactivity. Although the overweight can be considered more cosmetic defect than illness, obesity, on the contrary, is a serious disease. In humans obesity bears dangers for cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal, genitourinary, respiratory, and immune systems. Doctors also find considerable changes in the skin of obese people. All these conditions shorten life expectancy of obese patients by 10 - 20 years.

The fair sex victims of weight
The early fixing of problems related to obesity increases the chances of metabolism normalization. Strange is the fact, but the information about the dangers of excess pounds and obesity as well as different methods of losing weight are more likely to resound with younger generations, particularly among teen girls. Teen girls with normal body weight being under the influence of aggressive advertising start to struggle with the nonexistent obesity by means of diets, hunger, medications, dietary supplements, and exhausting exercise. The truth is that reasonable amounts fat are needed for normal human development. Adipose tissue possesses hormonal activity and is responsible for extragonadal estrogen synthesis. Until adipose tissue reaches the required amount, the girl does not begin menstruating. Doctors even use a special notion known as the weight threshold of menstruation. This explains the fact that starvation leads to the late beginning of menses in girls at the age of 16 or even 18 years. It is for this reason that a hasty weight loss in young females leads to amenorrhea. Menstrual cycle is sometimes quite difficult to restore, even if the amount of fat returns to the age norm. After menopause, fat tissue becomes the main source of estrogens, supporting their minimal but stable level. It is not by chance that in women with a slight overweight the process of aging progresses more slowly and the rate of osteoporosis development is somewhat slower than in their skinny peers. Therefore, the decision to lose or not to lose weight should be taken only after consulting with a doctor. Moreover, using various methods doctors can determine the degree of body fat excess as well as muscle tissue deficit. The nature and the character of fat deposits help assess the risk of various complications.
George Glad enjoys writing articles about everything. However, his preferable theme is medicine. For more information please visit here http://bmicalc.org/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_Glad

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