Duke Diet and Fitness Program Online

The Duke Diet and Fitness Program Online is based on the proven weight loss approached developed by the Duke University Diet and Fitness Center in Durham, North Carolina.  This proven weight loss plan consists of four key components:  medical expertise, behavioral strategies, a personalized diet, and a proven fitness routine.  These four components combined help you maximize your weight loss in an extremely healthy way.

As a member of the Duke Diet and Fitness Program Online, you will be given the weight loss tools needed to maximize your online diet.
You will be provided with over 400 recipes, an online community, an interactive weight and fitness tracker, help from the most renowned experts in the diet community, and 16 extra online tools.  The backbone of the Duke Diet is the medical experts.  No other online diet provides the type of medical team that the Duke Diet and Fitness center provides. The medical team includes a Nutrition expert, a Fitness expert, a behavioral health expert, and two medical experts.  Each of these experts are available to answer any of your weight loss questions, and they will provide you the assistance you need to loss weight the healthy way.

When you sign up for the program, you will get a customized weight loss evaluation just for you, you will be given a customized diet and fitness routine, you can look through the list of frequently asked questions to the medical staff or consult them on your personal weight loss journey, and then you can begin logging your success on the weight loss tracker.

Start with the free diet evaluation and begin your weight loss journey with the Duke Diet and Fitness Program. Join today for only $4 a week.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martin_Laritz


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