Is Your New Year's Resolution To Lose Weight?

As a New Year dawns, many of us will have made New Year's resolutions.
One of the most common is the resolution to lose weight.
The fact is, however, that many of us make New Year's resolutions, but very few of us stick to them.
Well, firstly we tend to make lots of them, not just one or two.

Decide what you really want to change in your life.
What's the one thing that would have the most positive impact on your life if you achieved it in 2011?
If it's losing weight, then go for it!
Secondly we make our resolutions very loose. For example:-
"I want to lose weight"
Great. But how much? By when?

You need to be much more specific if you want to turn a resolution into a tangible goal.
Thirdly, if we do make our goal specific, we make it totally unrealistic.
A great start point is to aim to lose 10% of your body weight in 3 months. That's realistic, achievable and will have a very positive impact on your health.

As soon as you achieve it, you can set yourself another 3 month goal!
Something else we tend to do is to set a goal, but not have a strategy for how we're going to get there.
It's like leaving home for John O'Groats when you haven't consulted a map or set your sat nav. You're likely to go wrong pretty quickly and you're bound to make the journey much harder for yourself.
The fact is that continuing to do what you've always done isn't going to get you different results.
You need to have a plan, decide how you're going to change and how to make those changes fit into your life. 

The two key elements of your plan are:-
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
In that order!
What you consume, how much you consume and when you consume it are the most critical aspects of successful weight loss.
Cutting down portion sizes, eating low GL foods and simply not having overtly fattening food in your cupboard is the easiest route to healthy, sustainable weight loss.

Exercise is also important as it burns off excess calories that would otherwise turn to fat. It can also be used to offset days where perhaps you haven't been as good as you would have liked! Moreover, it's great for general health, toning your body as you lose weight and good for your mood too.
Where people go wrong is thinking that exercise equals the gym.

Exercise can be anything you want it to be: walking the dog, going for a bike ride with your husband, playing football in the park with your kids. Anything where you get your heart rate up, expend a bit of energy and burn some calories too.
Make it fun, not a duty or a chore!

1. Determine that losing weight is the single most important change you can make in 2011.
2. Set yourself a specific but realistic 3 month goal.
3. Have a weekly action plan for both nutrition and exercise.
Then prove to yourself, once and for all, that you can stick to your New Year's resolution to lose weight!
Theresa Coligan created to help people solve one of the biggest and most challenging issues in their lives - how to lose weight and keep it off. Thinking Thin focusses on the missing link in weight loss - mindset change. Change your mindset and you easily change your behaviour; change your behaviour and you easily lose weight.
If you want to lose weight easily and enjoyably, sign up for our FREE weekly newsletter at and get our e-book 'Insider Secrets To Simple, Sustainable Weight Loss' absolutely FREE as well.
(C) Copyright - Theresa Coligan. All worldwide rights reserved.
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