Imagine what it would be like if 2011 was the year that you finally managed to achieve your target weight and maintain it.
Moreover imagine what it would be like if it had been easy. Not a struggle, not a battle, just something that seemed really easy to do.
Every year, thousands of women in the UK and across the world desperately try to lose weight. And every year, thousands fail.
It doesn't seem to matter if they try to go it alone, work with professionals, join one of the world-renowned programmes, eat normal food, eat soups or sachets; the majority fail.
But why?
Because most of the common approaches are unsustainable.
For a start we're often told that we should be losing 1 to 2 pounds every week and we're told that's a healthy weight loss, which it is. But to lose one pound every week for a year means losing 3.7 stone. Losing 2 pounds every week makes it over 7 stone!
Clearly that's not sustainable or after 2 to 3 years there'd be nothing left of us!
Then just think about it.
Are you really going to count points for the rest of your life?
Cut out whole food groups forever?
Never have a treat again?
It's just not going to happen.
And that's the difference. All of these are short-term fixes. They're diets - ways for you to lose weight fast and make the headlines. But this isn't what it should be about.
You don't want to lose lots of weight and then put it all back on again. That's what becomes so depressing. That's what makes us want to give up even though we hate the way we look.
You want to lose weight easily and then be able to maintain that weight easily.
You want it to be sustainable for life.
So, here are my top 10 tips for making losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle easy and sustainable.
Follow these simple guidelines and make 2011 the year you finally find the key to sustainable weight loss.
Moreover imagine what it would be like if it had been easy. Not a struggle, not a battle, just something that seemed really easy to do.
Every year, thousands of women in the UK and across the world desperately try to lose weight. And every year, thousands fail.
It doesn't seem to matter if they try to go it alone, work with professionals, join one of the world-renowned programmes, eat normal food, eat soups or sachets; the majority fail.
But why?
Because most of the common approaches are unsustainable.
For a start we're often told that we should be losing 1 to 2 pounds every week and we're told that's a healthy weight loss, which it is. But to lose one pound every week for a year means losing 3.7 stone. Losing 2 pounds every week makes it over 7 stone!
Clearly that's not sustainable or after 2 to 3 years there'd be nothing left of us!
Then just think about it.
Are you really going to count points for the rest of your life?
Cut out whole food groups forever?
Never have a treat again?
It's just not going to happen.
And that's the difference. All of these are short-term fixes. They're diets - ways for you to lose weight fast and make the headlines. But this isn't what it should be about.
You don't want to lose lots of weight and then put it all back on again. That's what becomes so depressing. That's what makes us want to give up even though we hate the way we look.
You want to lose weight easily and then be able to maintain that weight easily.
You want it to be sustainable for life.
So, here are my top 10 tips for making losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle easy and sustainable.
- Manage your own expectations. You might lose 1-2 pounds for the first 8-12 weeks but expect to lose less weight going forward.
- Avoid cutting out whole food groups unless you have a severe intolerance or allergy. It makes meal planning and eating way too tricky.
- Resist anything too onerous like counting points/calories for everything or weighing all your food. You'll never keep it up.
- Don't massively restrict your calorie intake. You'll be hungry in no time! Eat sensible portion sizes of low GI/low GL foods that will keep you feeling fuller for longer.
- Try to lead as normal a life as possible - if you go out for a meal once a week, still do it. Just make healthier choices, watch the portion sizes and minimise the number of courses.
- Allow yourself the occasional treat - a glass of wine, a few slabs of dark chocolate, a bit of pudding etc. Forbidden fruits are naturally much more appealing.
- Keep unhealthy or fattening food out of the house. If the crisps aren't in the cupboard, you can't eat them!
- Change routines that work against you. For example if you've got into the habit of buying a chocolate bar every time you go to the garage, find a garage where you can pay at the pump. You'll be surprised by how little you miss it.
- Find exercise you enjoy and make it a habit. A class at 6pm every Tuesday soon becomes part of your weekly routine.
- Remember that you're not on a diet. This is not a short-term fix. You are changing to a healthier lifestyle so that you can lose weight and keep it off for good!
Follow these simple guidelines and make 2011 the year you finally find the key to sustainable weight loss.
Theresa Coligan created
to help people solve one of the biggest and most challenging issues in
their lives - how to lose weight and keep it off. Thinking Thin focusses
on the missing link in weight loss - mindset change. Change your
mindset and you easily change your behaviour; change your behaviour and
you easily lose weight.
If you want to lose weight easily and enjoyably, sign up for our FREE weekly newsletter at and get our e-book 'Insider Secrets To Simple, Sustainable Weight Loss' absolutely FREE as well.
(C) Copyright - Theresa Coligan. All worldwide rights reserved.
Article Source: you want to lose weight easily and enjoyably, sign up for our FREE weekly newsletter at and get our e-book 'Insider Secrets To Simple, Sustainable Weight Loss' absolutely FREE as well.
(C) Copyright - Theresa Coligan. All worldwide rights reserved.
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