Demetrios Gabriel: Which Cough Remedies Are Best?

By Paula Hess

To say that a case of a cough can be a bother would be nothing short of an understatement. Demetrios Gabriel would be able to agree, especially when it can disrupt anything from your daily tasks to your typically normal sleep schedule. What this means is that you have to be able to soothe the cough that you have but what can help in this regard? What are some of the remedies that Gabriel - as well as other medical authorities - can offer on this front?

1. Try to drink as many warm liquids as possible. One of the best choices that Demetrios Gabriel will be able to bring to your attention is hot tea, seeing as how it is not only hot but has many different minerals that will allow you a sense of shortening of your symptoms. It's also one of the reasons why soup is recommended for those who may be suffering from a temporary illness; its impact is tough to question. Along with the anti-inflammatory properties of hot liquids, it's clear why companies like Gabriel Pediatrics support them.

2. Honey will be able to serve those suffering from a cough as well. One of the reasons why I hold honey in high regard is because of the wealth of antioxidants it possesses, which serve to help the body as it works to lower the risk of various diseases. It can also help the throat from an anti-inflammatory standpoint, which is vital when considering how much of a pain the cough can be. Demetrios Gabriel will agree that honey should be taken in, whether it's through tea or on its own.

3. One of the more common items used to clear one's throat are lozenges. However, I believe that the ones which contain zinc are great for the purpose of clearing up the cough and one of the reasons for this is because of how well it can help the immune system. Seeing as how the body's cells contain zinc, the idea of taking in products which contain the nutrient in question should not be overlooked by any means. Throat lozenges are great but be mindful of the ones you purchase.

With so many remedies to consider for the cough, you want to choose the ones that are not only simple but common enough to where they're deemed safe for use. The choices listed above work well for this purpose, especially when given how well they can soothe the throat. Do not think, though, that these are the only options to consider. In fact, with a number of other options that can be uncovered through research or common sense, you can rest easy knowing that your cough won't last long.

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